Answered: It is the minus button

TLDR: What is the button mapping for resetting a level in Slime-San? (I have a valid reason for not being able to figure it out)

I know this might be an unlikely place to find an answer, but is there anyone here who owns the indie game Slime-San who can help me figure out a certain button binding? You see, I recently got the game on PC, and I’m playing with a controller. Annoyingly, the developers bound the retry/reset level button to Enter on the keyboard, even for controller players. I played the games demo back in 2017 on the Nintendo Switch and I’m almost certain I remember there being a controller binding for it. I just want to map the function on PC on my controller, to the same as it is on Switch.

But I can’t figure out online what the button is supposed to be. In all the gameplay videos I see on YouTube, every player keeps skipping past the sign at the beginning of the game which let’s you know what button to press, and there doesn’t seem to be a wiki for the game that explains the controls either. Can anyone who owns the game themselves on Switch help me out please? Thanks.

  • Moog MuskieOP
    1 month ago

    Thanks so much. I’ll bind it to that when I play the game again.