Would you recommend the game? I’ve spent like 1000 hours in the digital version, even beating ascension 20 with all characters, and the appeal that I can play fast and quickly roll games draws me in (the same happens to me with Through the Ages)
It’s definitely much slower. But you get to play through with friends, I suppose that’s the main appeal of the board game. Gameplay is very similar to the original, so if you enjoyed that you’ll enjoy this too.
Then maybe I’ll stick to the digital version. It just streamlines the experience and I can focus on what is important: meaningful strategic decisions :D
Would you recommend the game? I’ve spent like 1000 hours in the digital version, even beating ascension 20 with all characters, and the appeal that I can play fast and quickly roll games draws me in (the same happens to me with Through the Ages)
It’s definitely much slower. But you get to play through with friends, I suppose that’s the main appeal of the board game. Gameplay is very similar to the original, so if you enjoyed that you’ll enjoy this too.
Then maybe I’ll stick to the digital version. It just streamlines the experience and I can focus on what is important: meaningful strategic decisions :D