Feeling a bit better today, so figured I’d start on a little project I’ve been meaning to get to for a while, which is sharing some wimmelbilder pieces. The word is German, which I understand to mean something like “hidden object pictures,” in which the pieces are very large (pixel-wise) and detailed, packed with figures and objects. Where’s Wally/Waldo would be a famous example of these.

Now here we have a wondrous team-up between concept artist Bangzheng Du, from Shenzhen, China [ArtStation], and digital animator Dylan K. Greene from… Arizona, hehe. [website]

EDIT: Ugh, sorry, based on a comment, my chortling just there had *nothing* to do with Dylan’s intrinsic skills as an American (dude is a boss), but moreso that I seem to be stretching the premise of this sublemmy upon… viable tissue-paper, at this point?

(i.e., my ‘internal engine’ is chronically saying: “more Euro-stuff, doofus,” while ‘MON AUTRE’ side whispers to me like this:

(psst) “jsut for fun, let’s find the stuff that’s just like BD, yet isn’t actually BD”

Of course there’s also a rather depressing side-story to this piece, in that most animals bred for human consumption live pretty miserable lives. There’s simply no escaping that, altho here we have an interesting little fantasy in which that’s not so much the case.

Hope that displays okay. (https://i.imgur.com/bRhJsTD.gifv)___

  • tigeruppercut
    6 days ago

    Just wanted to point out the sign that says strongest (最強) pork bone (豚骨) noodles (麺)