Pizza Revolution: A Collectivized Pizzeria Odyssey

Setting: The year is 1960, and a culinary revolution has ignited. As the manager of the first-ever collectivized pizzeria in the Soviet Union, your task is to spread the delight of pizza across the Motherland and then, to the world. But, as you expand, you will face adversaries in the form of capitalist pizza franchises. Only by mastering the art of pizza and embracing the strength of your comrades can you succeed.

Gameplay Features:

Pizzeria Management: Begin with a single pizzeria. Design its layout, hire staff from a pool of various character backgrounds and abilities, and choose your ingredients and recipes carefully. As you gain success, you’ll earn the chance to open more pizzerias throughout the Soviet Union, each with its own regional flavor and challenges. Recipe Research and Development: The heart of your empire is the pizza. Travel the vast expanses of the Soviet Union to discover unique regional ingredients. Then, experiment in your test kitchen, combining traditional Soviet ingredients with classic pizza-making techniques. Create signature dishes that will make your pizzerias renowned. Supply Chain Logistics: Source ingredients from Soviet farms and factories. Deal with challenges such as shortages, harsh winters, and transportation issues. Make strategic decisions - for instance, do you import expensive foreign cheese or stick to local, more affordable variants? Cultural Campaigns: Host events, spread propaganda, and get endorsements from prominent figures to popularize pizza among the Soviet people. As pizza becomes a staple, you’ll unlock new resources and opportunities. Espionage and Sabotage: As you expand globally, face off against American pizza franchises. Deploy spies to steal their secret recipes, sabotage their supply chains, or spread rumors about the unhealthy nature of capitalist pizzas. But be wary! They might retaliate. Purge The Capitalist Pizzas: The end game features a riveting campaign where you confront the American pizza barons, like a fictional representation of “Papa John.” In cinematic sequences, you can hold tribunals where they face charges of culinary crimes against the proletariat. Using evidence gathered throughout your journey, convince the tribunal of their guilt. Successful purges give you control over their pizzerias, hastening your global domination. End Game Scenarios: Once you’ve spread your pizzerias globally and confronted the American franchises, face multiple end game scenarios. From managing global supply chains, facing rebellions from capitalist holdouts, to innovating the pizza for space travel as the Soviet Union aims for the stars. Graphics & Sound: A blend of retro pixel art and modern aesthetics, capturing the essence of the era. The soundtrack features Russian folk music intermingled with Italian opera, creating a unique auditory experience

  • retrolasered
    1 year ago

    Comrades faces all look like they got dunked in the hot cheese