i recently canceled my spotify subscription, so i’m looking to download whole albums and if possible download whole discography easily instead of individual songs

Edit: thank you all comrades for the recomendations!

  • Ubermeisters
    9 months ago

    Not tor, but you should look into funkwhale for hosting it after you’ve sourced it. I’ve been pretty happy being able to stream my music from anywhere for free. And other people’s music, podcasts etc.

    I use funk.gravitywell.xyz because it had a great amount of free storage, mostly stoner/doom/prog/metal music from.myselg and others.

    Here’s there “find the pod that’s right for me” tool:

    https://network.funkwhale.audio/dashboards/d/overview/funkwhale-network-overview?orgId=1&refresh=2h (use desktop mode)

    Caveats: the music needs to be in good condition and properly tagged. The funkwhale app on Android crashes more than anything else on my phone. Which isn’t much. 1x a week, normally after using voice input.