Never having had a GBA growing up (or really any gaming system), I recently decided to delve into the retro scene and try to reshell a GBA SP. I bought a board and shell off Aliexpress and a few reproduction cartridges. (VERY) stupidly wanted to test the repo cart without finishing the shell and ripped off the cartridge slot!!!

After much profanity and months before I could stomach looking at the thing, I buckled down and spent too much buying tools/supplies. Many many many many many Youtube videos later, I finally managed to reseat the slot and connect the damaged pads.

Just thought I’d share that it’s possible, having started only with very rudimentary soldering skills.

  • IlikesparklywaterOP
    1 year ago

    Some pics of Soldering and solder masking done, not perfect but good enough!

    edit to add pic of final product

    Soldering done, not perfect but good enough

    solder mask in place, again not perfect, but good 'nuff