I replayed Xenogears last year. While it remains one of my favorites, I was surprised at how much more I enjoyed the infamous Disc 2 this time around. Yes, it’s a condensed version of what we could have had, but there are still some great story beats and really touching scenes in there. Meanwhile, the gameplay throughout the game still continues to age rather poorly. That story is still so great, though.

More recently, I picked up Terranigma again. I think it’s gone down a couple notches in my estimation. It’s more grindy than I remembered, and some of the writing hasn’t aged well. Plenty about this game hits different now that I’m a bit older, though.

Have you all replayed any JRPGs lately that had you change your mind on them a bit? Or even a lot?

  • z3r0
    4 months ago

    Yeeeah… I’ve heard a lot of people nowdays complaining about the combat system and the ridiculous amount of random combats. Even the bosses weren’t a great challenge because the most difficult thing you can do in boss combats is trying to steal all the items from them. Maybe if had tried to play it nowdays for the first time would never be able finish it.