I have no idea who made this but I found it on reddit and decided to share. Here’s the full-size image for those who want to zoom in.

We can argue which GitS work is the best but I enjoy all of it. Even bad GitS is better than most anime. And I’d argue the live action movie would’ve been better received if it didn’t have the high expectations of being a GitS adaptation. It’s still a fun sci-fi movie.

  • HammerjackOPM
    1 month ago

    To be fair, this includes all novels and video games too. As far as animation, I see it as: the two movies, Stand Alone Complex anime, Arise anime, and SAC_2045 anime. It isn’t too overwhelming in my opinion. Although, Stand Alone Complex is like 52 episodes, which is longer than most anime I watch.

    Also, Stand Alone Complex and SAC_2045 both had their episodes pared down into compilation movies (which is what the arrows represent). So you could get through those even faster if you wanted.

    • HubertManne
      41 month ago

      thanks. I think i have seen all of stand alone complex. I saw the end of the tank ai part at least and not when they were just gone for a bit.