The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who believe that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate has ticked back up, according to a new CNN poll fielded throughout July. All told, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaners say Biden’s win was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and through last fall, even as there is no evidence of election fraud that would have altered the outcome of the contest.

    1 year ago

    The Republican Party has become a doctrinaire anti-American organization; wholly subservient to the international fascist movement.

    Why would any loyal American patriot be a member of it?

    The Republicans stand against what America actually is.

    The USA is a multicultural society. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is a leader in science; including the understanding of our planet’s climate. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is loyal to its international allies. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is committed to freedom of speech and of the press. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is a leader in technology; including the development of clean energy. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is a secular society, in which people of different religions can meet as equals in the marketplace of ideas. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is a capitalist economy; in which businesses may prosper without having to bend the knee to leaders’ personality-cults or their ideological doctrine. The Republicans are against that.

    The USA is an educated society; with free schooling for all, and with some of the best universities in the world. The Republicans are against that.

    In all of these ways, the Republicans have endorsed anti-Americanism — opposition to what the USA actually is, its actual strengths and virtues.