anytime i want to post something on lemmygrad like a question or a thought, i get some odd resistance that tries to hold me back from posting. and there is so many things i want to post right now

    8 months ago

    I’m not sure which post you’re referring to so i could be wrong, but I can pretty confidently say if it was more than 5 downvotes within the first hour that it was definitely one of those mass-downvoting bot waves that makes its way around here sent by libshits every once in a while. I remember I asked a question/started a discussion about how Marxism/materialism plays into free will and it got like 45 downvotes (along with every other post that day lol). Barring you posting something heavily liberal or fascist (saying the same thing twice) then you’re probably fine and a victim of said bots.

    Even if it was you, that’s totally fine, you’re clearly open to good faith criticism and most of the time people don’t get downvoted if they are just saying something out of ignorance or are being misinterpreted/not explicitly reactionary. At least I don’t. The only times I see mass downvoting that’s real is like, lemmy world invaders that come say dumb provocative shit in the comments or whatever.

    Point is this place is very mature and good faith most of the time and you’re right to keep posting despite any pushback, much like NA/AA, the newcomer is the most important person in the room! You’re already 100 steps ahead of 75% of USians so congrats.

    Nothing to be embarrassed about either we all start somewhere and I was the exact same way back in February 2022 when I first got into ML thought and online spaces/organizations. But trust despite any shortcomings you may have when it comes to theory you are still not a noob because by virtue of being a person and an ally of the working class then we are here to learn from you just as much as you are from us, that’s how this whole thing works and how a democracy actually functions.

    Godspeed comrade and apologies for the wall of text Iol

      8 months ago

      I received like 10 downvotes within the first minute and not a single upvote, which is much faster than what I normally see even with the downvoting bots, and it was a post (which I deleted immediately, so few people probably saw it) of a video from a reactionary youtube channel, but I thought the topic was interesting, but could have been possibly conspiratorial. I tried to be clear in the description of my thoughts and to clarify my intentions, but it was still getting downvoted heavily, and I had a feeling some lemmygraders were active at that time. My goal with my posts here is to avoid spreading mis/disinformation or reactionary thoughts. Since I am working with PSL, one of the principles we need to follow is to maintain democratic centralism and to be consistent with the messages of the party and avoid accidentally undermining them by personalizing them with negative connotations:

      I believe my post was breaking the spirit of this community and probably provided little/poor substance and could have led newcomers to trust reactionary content. I was sick that day and was getting a bit carried away with my posts. I think the rest of my posts were okay.

      I appreciate your response, and I do feel pretty comfortable here being myself and posting things that interest me. And I like providing content and comments to help people here, especially if I think of something I noticed hasn’t been mentioned. I have learned a lot here, and I want to be able to give back more than I have received in this world. I know reading theory is not the only way to help the working class as a comrade, especially considering how valuable experience in the real world and working with a party or union is. I just believe I am at a point where I need to start reading more to help me flesh out my understanding of ML, and I believe I am good at giving layman explanations to complex topics, thus I want to do so to help other people learn.