Governor Kathy Hochul has been a staunch supporter and defender of Israel’s ongoing siege and bombardment of Gaza and sanctioned settler violence in the occupied West Bank, even going so far as to travel to Israel a few weeks after the Hamas attacks of October 7, despite being told her father was on his deathbed.

For Hochul, her unwavering support of Israel is reflexive—Israel, in her mind, has a right to defend itself, no matter the consequences to civilian populations.

Last Thursday, Hochul spoke at a fundraiser of the UJA-Federation of New York, which, according to the Intercept, “has been accused of sending millions in tax-exempt dollars to organizations that support Israel’s illegal settlement program in the occupied West Bank.” The UJA-Federation also originally paid for Hochul’s October trip to Israel; after criticism, she then said her own office would cover the expense.

While at the fundraiser, Hochul reiterated her support of Israel and its actions in Gaza and the West Bank.

“If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I’m sorry my friends, there would be no Canada the next day,” Hochul said. “That’s a natural reaction. You have a right to defend yourself and to make sure it never happens again.”

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