I dunno, this kind of meta commentary could easily accomplish both, if executed well. Shows that you’re thinking of things in terms of overall social norms and trends, and figuring out how to present that idea in front of a crowd in an approachable way. I still think that the delivery is the most important aspect of this idea, though, as a piece of comedic satire.
The point is to get more comfortable talking in front of a crowd, and learning to present your ideas.
This accomplishes none of that.
Definitely not when met with this sort of reaction. It easily could have.
I dunno, this kind of meta commentary could easily accomplish both, if executed well. Shows that you’re thinking of things in terms of overall social norms and trends, and figuring out how to present that idea in front of a crowd in an approachable way. I still think that the delivery is the most important aspect of this idea, though, as a piece of comedic satire.