quick, buy a house
2006 is the exact wrong time to buy a house, wait like two years
It was the perfect time to start saving up a down payment
Shit was fucked in 2006. Sub prime mortgage lending crisis inflated the price of homes, which is why they all went underwater two years later
Lol I had like $30 to my name back then
Thank god. I can play Halo 2 and Oblivion in peace.
twilight princess is 18 fucking years old now?!!!
Too old, time to leave
Do I still have to be politically brainwormed? Because George Bush is president and evolution is a hot button culture war issue (just before it was called the culture war)
I was a freshman-sophmore in '06 and Bill O’Reilly was on about the “Culture War” back in 2001 when my parents started watching him every night starting in September. Thankfully the more I listened to Bill, the easier it was to remove brain worms.
hell yes
I can play Eve Online before it got shit again
Jambi steadily increases in volume
God why couldn’t it have been 2007, I was so close to the era when half of every YouTube video had 009 Sound System God pleeeeaaase
We must bring it back. There has never been background music as powerful since its era.
To quote “Dreamscape”: you can do anything you want to.
reliving the era of the release of Cross by Justice
can’t this time machine go any faster FFS
Me in the world’s slowest time machine: I’m losing my patience I just came here to bounce
Torture the mid aughts were bad.
Were they worse than whatever we have right now though, I’ve been hearing conflicting opinions
food cost half back then lol
I was really young but I’d say they were probably better than now just because the zeitgeist was overall just more optimistic than today. 2006 would have been before even the recession. But the mid aughts were not “good.”
It was probably worse for Gay/Lesbian people, possibly neutral for Trans people only because there were so few out that you didn’t have literally killing them
Probably better for POC in general because people become more racist when resources are scarce, also mayos knew nothing about non-white cultures, instead of knowing all the mayobrained cherrypicked shit and nothing else (muh gutter oil)
Imagine the things that could happen when someone with modern knowledge ends up in 06. How would people react to my accounts of the 2020s???
Nobody would believe half of it or listen. Hell people don’t believe or listen when I talk about stuff that objectively happened when it’s in the past, if I tried to tell people in 2006 about say COVID, I might as well be walking around with a sign saying, “The End Is Nigh!”
2006 isn’t even that far out from SARS-CoV-1 so pretty sure people could wrap their heads around it.
What my past much libber self would struggle with is to understand just how willingly complicit every part of the social structure would be in enabling the spread in order to prop up the economy and just how fast consent would be manufactured, how fast we went from a strong sense of communal resistance to apathy. Maybe that is what you meant but then again try telling the average person today that covid isn’t over and you might as well walk around with a sign saying, “The End Is Nigh!”
thank god
hel yea lets go I’ll get to make my sprite webcomic again
My life pretty much peaked in 2006, sign me tf up
let us be kinder to Twilight Princess this time around
just don’t save in the cannon room