When I was six, I was fishing with my father and uncle in a boat. We got a fish, and my uncle swiftly killed the fish immediately. I asked why he did it, it would’ve died anyway.
He said something along the lines of “All life should be respected enough not to let it suffer” and nothing else. A useful lesson that changed my view on suffering of animals. The man was later listed as one of the 10 most sought after criminals in my country, but I take the good and leave the bad.
Nah, white collar crime. I think he ended up on the list mostly because it’s relatively unusual for people to both be convicted and manage to avoid getting caught.
When I was six, I was fishing with my father and uncle in a boat. We got a fish, and my uncle swiftly killed the fish immediately. I asked why he did it, it would’ve died anyway.
He said something along the lines of “All life should be respected enough not to let it suffer” and nothing else. A useful lesson that changed my view on suffering of animals. The man was later listed as one of the 10 most sought after criminals in my country, but I take the good and leave the bad.
This has the same energy as the jumper cables guy
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
We can have solace that he applied the same philosophy to all his victims
Tell me it wasn’t violent crimes.
Nah, white collar crime. I think he ended up on the list mostly because it’s relatively unusual for people to both be convicted and manage to avoid getting caught.