Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated on the show he was a proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” an explicitly theocratic doctrine at the heart of Christian nationalism.
Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote the concurring opinion in last week’s explosive Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos have the same rights as living children, recently appeared on a show hosted by self-anointed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist.
Parker was the featured guest on “Someone You Should Know,” hosted by Johnny Enlow, a Christian nationalist influencer and devoted supporter of former President Donald Trump. Over the course of an 11-minute interview, Parker articulated a theocratic worldview at odds with a functioning, pluralistic society.
“God created government,” he told Enlow, adding that it’s “heartbreaking” that “we have let it go into the possession of others.”
Lotta good people you’re throwing out with the bathwater there, but fuck 'em, I guess. You’re stoking the flames whose destruction you condemn.
Super-liberal here who moved to Alabama because the jobs were too good and the cost of living is great; I’m going to do my best to vote these fuckers out and try to get more liberals moving into the state. The conservatives are doing their fucking best to disincentivize liberals to move here, but GA is a good example that liberals can flip a state.
I’ve said this before, but if I was a billionaire like Soros, I’d spend some time on trying to get people to relocate with direct financial incentives. Form some kind of foundation/not for profit that sets up places in red states for people most likely to vote Democratic to move there, have jobs, and have a decent quality of life. Often it’s going to be cheaper, too.
It’s only due to the way we are dispersed in this country that we keep getting too many cons in office. Someone with the money could hire people to make this happen…
It would not even take that many people moving to the right states and the Republican Party would be nearly powerless.
I don’t know where you’re seeing “good people” in the South. I live in Tennessee and I have to endure hearing people every goddamn day talking about destroying the country just to get back at the “left.”
It’s the only place I’ve ever seen “Trump Stores.” And these people are ravenous about a second civil war. I just refuse to engage in trying to save people who don’t want to be saved. Fuck the lot of them.
Imagine a gay woman living in Alabama. There’s certainly a lot of them, we’re everywhere after all. Do you think she’s going to say what she really thinks while around strangers? Or is she going to keep her head down and try to avoid getting hate crimed?
You are in the bible belt. Should we abandon you too?
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I’m not staying here. I’ve been planning my exit from this shit hole and the people here for a few months. I’m a gay man who has simply had enough.
There’s no saving these people. The good ones are leaving, the rest are some of the worst people in the country; they either are dismissive of what’s going on or indifferent.
Why would I waste my time voting here when my vote literally means nothing? This is a traitor enclave.
These people don’t give a shit about anyone who doesn’t go to their church, which is very denomination exclusive. You can’t make them be civilized.
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I’ll put it this way; I’m a gay man, so I’m about as far removed from the abortion issue as anyone can get. But I have a sister and nieces. Call me old-fashioned, but I want them to have rights to do whatever the fuck they want without a crusty old bastard in DC telling them that they can’t. I’ve always said “I don’t have a uterus, so it’s none of my damn business” but since the Christians and their political operatives, the Republicans, have forced my hand, then I feel like it’s my duty to rain on their parade about it.
That said, the IVF debate, to me, just seems like more of the same from the Christians, whose entire mission statement is to take over the whole of the earth so Jesus can give them a present for being the biggest cunts to ever walk. Instead of making life easier for the exact people who are responsible for bringing life into the world, they attack them while simultaneously getting rid of child labor laws and school lunches.
This issue was never about being “Pro-Life.” This has always been about Christians wanting to be in control. If this were a “pro-life” movement, Christians would be adopting kids from orphanages and foster care, where they are being abused. But abusing kids is a Christian staple. They mentally and sexually abuse them and have for about 2000 years.
So when I get a chance to piss in the Cheerios of the right wing Christian propaganda machine, I do it, because frankly, they can all eat shit.
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I tell people that I’m so far left that I make Bernie Sanders look like Ronald Regan. If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.
Joking aside, the Christians are coming after the LGBTQ next. I wish them the best of luck. I’m not the “friendly atheist” they think I am. They’re gonna have a very hard time loading me into the train car.
I will protect the women I care about though, and I simply will not be nice about it.
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Not everyone can afford to leave. Should we leave them to die?
You, yourself, haven’t left yet. What if we abandoned the south before you had time to move? Oh, maybe you’re the Last Good Person in the south, and once you’re gone we can leave the rest to suffer! It’s their fault for being born in the wrong states, after all. Especially the ones that are going to be born because their mothers were forced to give birth. They deserve it.
I’m not saying anything about whether or not I’m a good person. I’m saying that the number of good people here is a lot lower than you imagine. Pull up the draw bridge, IDGAF, I’ll swim if I have to, but the American South is a shit hole that didn’t deserve the reconstruction. They’ve not learned a goddamn thing.
Not everyone can escape. Do they deserve to suffer and die?
And maybe we won’t just blow up the bridge. Maybe we build a wall! Why not? You’re all evil, we don’t need that blight on our society. In fact, why not declare war? Why not kill literally everyone! D o n t y o u a l l d e s e r v e i t? 🙄
Jesus Christ, you must be fun at parties…
The writing has been on the wall for quite a long time. Anybody that stays behind does so at their own risk. I’m not being lynched here. I’ll take in others who want to leave when I get to where I’m going.
This isn’t a fun topic. You’re basically saying “everyone who gets lynched deserves it”.
Well, I presume you’re one of the good people, aren’t you? I don’t want to burn you to the ground along with the rest of Tennessee, even if you’re a willing sacrifice. Any scorched earth tactic has to be preceded by getting people like you out of harm’s way first.
I’m all for an LGBTQ “Underground Railroad”-esque method of getting us out of harm’s way. What I’m against is the notion by another commenter that I should have to stay here and help the people who, for whatever reason, are so poor that they can’t pack stuff in boxes and leave. The goalpost can’t just move that much. If your life is in danger, you don’t just stay put because you might not financially recover. That’s bullshit. And no one should stick around, under consequence of death, to help me. What kind of person just folds their arms as days “I’m not leaving until someone else risks their life to help me.”
Also, my initial comment was that nothing in the Bible belt is worth saving. As in putting in effort to try and change their minds or shitty attitudes. Someone replied with something about nukes. I never insinuated anything of the sort. Granted, the entirety of the Bible belt could be hit by tornadoes and the Country would only be out by a can of Skoal, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and the entirety of the incest category on Pornhub.
Almost every front yard in Tennessee looks like a landfill and in one city, the county was discussing starting a code enforcement program and several people threatened to attack the city council. One guy even mentioned using a tank do do it. You cannot even legislate these people to have a modicum of class. These people are trashy and they aim to stay that way. It’s all they know or care to know.
I had a coworker bring up the border situation a week ago and I asked him, a guy who could to be “super religious” (his words, not mine) what Jesus would want him to do, and he said, and I quote, “Jesus would want me to help the national guard shoot the ones that are trying to get here illegally.” He and our boss, who is Catholic, got into a very heated debate about that. Guns are their solution to everything here, including the LGBTQ.
For as bad as you’ve read that it is here in the news and online, it’s actually worse.
i don’t expect you to sacrifice yourself. i just think it’s likely you’re not the sole “good people” in bama.
Oh absolutely, there is no expectation at all that you should have to stay and fix the place. It’s admirable of those who want to try, but I’m a firm proponent of saving your own ass first. If you’re LGBT in a red state, I’d honestly prefer you get the hell out of dodge than stay and try to fix it.
I grew up in Missouri and I lived in Houston for a couple years. I feel no obligation to fix Texas. I don’t feel obligated to fix Missouri, although I want to. If laws come out targeting me and my loved ones though, then I’m heading out.
I greatly respect martyrs because I don’t think anyone should ever try to be one. I care way too much about saving my skin, selfish as it sounds.