House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan finally revealed the truth about exā€“FBI informant Alexander Smirnov.

After trying and failing to salvage Republicansā€™ crumbling impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan at last, finally, conceded on Friday that Alexander Smirnovā€™s story might not be totally accurate.

ā€œI donā€™t know, maybe the guy did lie,ā€ Jordan said at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday.

The House Judiciary chair spent the better part of the week attempting to twist and tweak Smirnovā€™s testimony, insisting, as he had for months, that Smirnovā€™s allegationsā€”that Biden had reaped millions off of a business deal between his son and the Ukrainian company Burismaā€”still held weight, and could prove the most viable pathway to successfully charge the sitting president. That is, even after Smirnov was indicted for lying to the FBI about those claimsā€”and then reportedly admitted to prosecutors that the story had been drawn up with the help of top Russian intelligence officials and the whole thing was a bed of lies.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    4 months ago

    ā€œBut there sure is quite a contrast forā€”Christopher Steele can give false information about President Trump, and he continues to get paid.ā€

    Thing is, the information in the Steele Dossier was not FALSE. Even the most salacious allegation, the ā€œpee tapeā€, has been corroborated.

    "on October 30th, 2016, Trumpā€™s private attorney and fixer Michael Cohen received a text from a Russian businessman involved in the Trump Tower Moscow deal, in progress for more than a year. ā€œStopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if thereā€™s anything else. Just so you knowā€¦.ā€ Giorgi Rtskhiladze wrote to Cohen. Cohen told investigators he spoke to Trump about the issue after receiving the texts from Rtskhiladze.Ā 

    Rtskhiladze later admitted he had been told the tapes were fake, but he did not communicate that to Cohen, the report says.Ā 

    Rtskhiladzeā€™s description of the tapesā€™ content tracks with the unverified information included in the Steele dossier, which claimed that Trump watched Russian prostitutes urinate in a Moscow hotel room in 2013. ā€œRtskhiladze said ā€˜tapesā€™ referred to compromising tapes of Trump rumored to be held by persons associated with the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia.ā€"

      4 months ago

      Also, regardless, Christopher Steele didnā€™t present any of this information while under oath, so even if any of it werenā€™t true, he has every right to say it. Alexander Smirnov lied under oath under the direction of the Russian government

        4 months ago

        More accurately, he lied to the FBI.

        Homer: Well, the evening began at the gentlemenā€™s club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon.

        Scully: Mr. Simpson, itā€™s a felony to lie to the FBI.

        Homer: We were sitting in Barneyā€™s car eating packets of mustard. You happy?