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February 26, 2024, 7:31 AM ET
On one of my first days at The New York Times, I went to an orientation with more than a dozen other new hires. We had to do an icebreaker: Pick a Starburst out of a jar and then answer a question. My Starburst was pink, I believe, and so I had to answer the pink prompt, which had me respond with my favorite sandwich. Russ & Daughters’ Super Heebster came to mind, but I figured mentioning a $19 sandwich wasn’t a great way to win new friends. So I blurted out, “The spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A,” and considered the ice broken.
The HR representative leading the orientation chided me: “We don’t do that here. They hate gay people.” People started snapping their fingers in acclamation. I hadn’t been thinking about the fact that Chick-fil-A was transgressive in liberal circles for its chairman’s opposition to gay marriage. “Not the politics, the chicken,” I quickly said, but it was too late. I sat down, ashamed.
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link to (paywalled) source: I Was a Heretic at The New York Times
“Of course $19 is very expensive for a sandwich, so I only get it as a special treat.”
There, I just fixed your problem without you having to endorse the homophobic chicken.
Even better, there’s nothing saying he had to fucking name a place he got his sandwiches from
He could’ve been like “yeah I love me a fish sandwich” (I looked it up and fuck does this Super Heebster sound kinda awful) and if anyone asked him to elaborate he could’ve specified like a tuna salad or something
But nah this guy is so American treat brained he had to specifically name a place and sandwich name
This prompted me to look it up and it sounds amazing to me tbh. In fact, everything from this place looks great and now I want to go. But yeah, he can just say he likes smoked fish bagel sandwiches from Jewish delis and probably everyone in that room would get it.
also, this was specifically “favorite” and not “the one i get all the time”. Some of my favorite food is expensive too, but I’m not shelling out 20 bucks for a sandwhich every day.