Disclaimer: I thought of this while using this command line. I actually think Celeste and Matrix are good and trans rights are human rights.

Image description: [ First pannel; character turning his back on the Trans flag, Madeline from Celeste and the Matrix movie title screen : “I am not Trans”. Second pannel; character hugging a box labeled ‘gender’: “I enjoy the gender I was assigned at birth.” Third pannel; character typing on a laptop with the Arch Linux logo while wearing programming socks. A bubble shows the line on the screen : ‘makepkg -cis’. The character says: “When I compile an AUR package, I clean install files, install the program, sync dependencies; in a single line.” ]

  • Draconic NEO@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    One example I can think of is how cis people (usually cis males) who choose to crossdress are often misgendered, made fun of, and told they must not be cis because of how they dress.

    Though I’m not really sure if this actually counts because these issues I described also affect trans people who are gender Non-Conforming, in very similar ways.

    What’s more likely is that their comment is just a funny joke, where they swapped the roles of cis and trans in the passage and the joke part is that it sounds absurd and isn’t supposed to make sense.