Do you buy them? Will you refuse to buy conventional if organic isn’t available, broadly or on a per product basis?

I confess I’ve always blown off organic foods as kinda silly (unless you’ve got a sensitivity to whatever’s in the conventional stuff) in large part due to overlap with GMO panic. Still, as we hear more about microplastics and harmful chemicals showing up in most everything I’ve been wondering if it’d be good for my long term health to be an organic andrew

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    7 months ago

    Microplastics are from pollution in general (like they’re mixed into basically every water source IIRC, from ground water to rain), so “organic” stuff is still going to be contaminated with them. All that “organic” means in practice is that something might have (but quite possibly was not) only been grown with a selected list of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that some company that issues “organic certification” says are ok.