I was reading a book on social life of the upper-middle class and new rich of the American 1920s and realized so many things we now do proudly were considered socially taboo back then. This was especially the case for clothing, makeup, women in certain public spaces, etc. What do you think will be different in the 2120s? Or maybe even the next 50 years?

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Be the change you want to see in the world. I am old enough to remember a time before this ridiculous insistence on round lumps instead of boob-shaped boobs and am noticing FINALLY the chokehold that thick padding and “modesty pads” is waning. Around here I am seeing more ladies braless, and in bras but with a more natural look.

    It’s not even remotely immodest to have nipples, boobs come standard with them. I am not sure why the trend of the too smooth profile held on so stubbornly, but it is just a trend. I hate it and always have.