Well, we got an interesting email yesterday, seems UPS is planning for a strike.

<a href=“https://imgbb.com/”><img src=“https://i.ibb.co/7K262sJ/Screenshot-from-2023-07-22-11-04-51.png” alt=“Screenshot-from-2023-07-22-11-04-51” border=“0”></a>

For those not familiar with Roadie, it started as a low paying courier company who’s model was that you could make a couple bucks doing a deliver on the way to work, the store, etc. A few years back UPS bought it, but there was no real change, the already bad driver support might’ve become a bit worse, it was hard to tell, and pay rates seemed to go down a little. Surprisingly it didn’t bring more work, despite UPS being first choice shipper for tens of thousands of companies worldwide, and UPS having their own personal package drivers, ie contract delivery workers, though that was mostly holiday work.

The expectation has been that they would tap Roadie for scabs, if the Teamsters strike, and based on this email, I think that’s just what they’re doing. They do already do batch deliveries for retailers, but they’ve never called them blocks, nor made much of a big deal about it like this.

I’m already thinking of going on strike in solidarity should the Teamsters strike, and encourage all other Roadie couriers to do the same.