Hello Void! It has not killed me yet.

Throughout the week I added:

  • More mushrooms
  • More carrots
  • More green peppers
  • More jalapeños
  • Diced Potatoes
  • Banana Peppers

Then obviously the given water when topping up. It’s been through two different strainings as well.

Two new spices have been added into the mix, though.

Penzey’s Tsardust Memories and Penzey’s Arizona Dreaming.

Both delicious, and I’m intrigued about the cinnamon in the former and the cocoa in the latter.

The broth is a very rich dark brown, so when I got hungry I decided to make rice and cook it in the broth. It is probably one of the best ‘plain’ rice dishes I’ve had. I didn’t use any water or added salt (beyond what was in the broth), and it was still SO flavorful.

Anyway, not dead yet!