My current issue is i see you guys constantly having issues, editing files etc.

Is it not stable?

Can you not set it up and then not have ongoing issues?

    1 year ago

    Yes yes, i oversimplfied it for the sake of explaining to someone who doesnt know linux. I’m talking about having to figure out specific parameters that may or may not work on some hardware but not on others. I had this issue with 2 of 4 games i tried in 2021. Eventually i did get both games to work but with weird glitches.

    I dont think debian is the issue, but nvidia and it’s wonky ass linux drivers. my 12 button mouse is also useless in linux. maybe it’s better by now. last time i tried i had issues with wayland. though i heard big update for fedora was coming for wayland in may (?) 2024, so i might try again then.

    The biggest thing that always gets in my way is no Visual Studio IDE support. yes, theres other IDEs, i’ve tried them all with various levels of wonk to the point i end up jus not being able productive with c# or be even less productive in other languages.

    Same with photoshop or video editing sofware. Sure, you got gimp and kedit, but theyre just not as good and have weird issues.