Sir Kid Starver has some weird priorities even by Labour standards.


    1 year ago

    I also suspect other scapegoating as well. The economic and political isolation of Communist and Socialist countries are likely caused by Western European diaspora government instead of the isolated countries. The lack of humanitarian aid to “Russian-controlled” territories in Ukraine (read territories under legal control of rebelling states and persecuted ethnic minorities of Ukraine) is not likely due to Putin’s order to kill humanitarian workers, but rather by NATO who murder any humanitarian workers that tried to aid, or even just visit, citizens in rebel-held territories. The claim that Putin attacked humanitarian workers is similar to the other false claims that Communist leaders making bad decisions that will supposedly led to their failure even when the Communists somehow survived and remained competitive against the power of Western European diaspora despite the initial non-political disadvantages of Communist countries. The Western European diaspora governments will also need to explain why Putin do not steal foreign aid in their anti-Russian slander unlike other oppressive governments who would steal the aid in a false flag operation.