CW: References to suicide.

I will try and keep this succinct.

I was diagnosed with ADHD-C in November 2022 and started on 20mg Elvanse/Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine. By Spring 2023 I’d worked my way up to 40mg. Two weeks ago, February 2024, I started on 50mg.

The 50mg has been a massive help to me. I’ve been much more productive and felt much more fulfilled. I stopped feeling suicidal. Around a week after upping the dose, I began noticing my heart racing and occasionally feeling tense or hyper-aware of parts of my body. The racing heart in particular is kind of irritating and I’d rather it stop. I’ve checked my blood pressure and it’s healthy.

I recall similar sensations for maybe around a month after I was first put on Lisdexamfetamine but I am not sure how long they lasted for. I don’t recall these sensations when I went from 30mg to 40mg.

I’m looking for some assurance that if I maintain a healthy lifestyle and check my BP regularly, that this will resolve itself in-time?

Relevant medical info:

  • Cisgender man
  • Late 20s
  • approx. 90kg/198lb
  • approx. 22% bf

EDIT: Updated with this morning’s BP reading.

119/79 80bpm

EDIT 2: I’m going to provide reasoning as to why I haven’t gone straight to my doctor about this. Firstly, the dose increase has been life-changing and I’d be so upset if I had to go back down. Secondly, I live in the post-satirical apocalypsescape formerly known as the United Kingdom and am therefore under the care of a private psychiatrist. Just to get on the phone with them would cost £100s and I’m relying on family assistance, which I feel guilty enough about spending. I could, within a few weeks, arrange to see my general practitioner for free but I don’t think they’d be able to suggest anything aside from reducing my meds. Thirdly, I have faint memories discussing palpitations with my psychiatrist last year and he said that as long as I was monitoring my BP they’d pass.

EDIT 3: I honestly appreciate the concern of all of those who have taken the time to post. I’ve decided to send a message to my psychiatrist explaining the situation.

EDIT 2024-03-21: Received an email from my psychiatrist stating that as long as they’re manageable and the dosage is helping, I’m safe to continue. They encouraged me to keep monitoring my blood pressure and heart rate. They suggested I be vigilant of chest pains or shortness of breath.

    1 year ago

    Definitely talk to your doc. (My GP prescribes my meds; the psychologist diagnosed and wrote a letter).

    I don’t really have noticeable side effects. When I first tried the stuff I started at 30mg then at 40mg I started seeing lots of bright spots and went back to 30. Freaky experience.

    I’ve been on 30mg for years now. My heart doesn’t usually race but some days I get a little jittery. I don’t recall it being elevated back when I was using an exercise monitor. It probably doesn’t help that I drink a double shot latte every morning with my meds. My BP did not seem to be affected by the lisdex last time I tested it on and off the ADHD meds. (I am on BP meds too).

    Worth mentioning, I am also on Effexor (venlafaxine) for depression and anxiety, which was diagnosed a decade before adhd-c. Prior to Effexor I was on Lexapro for a few years.

    When I was testing dosage, my PA said to increase 10mg every few days until I noticed it helping, then increase until I noticed side effects and then we would go with 10mg below that. Or something like that. Which is how I ended up at 30mg.

    I recall that I couldn’t tell at first how much 30 helped vs 40 but now that I have more experience with the medicine and self evaluating my symptoms. The difference between 30mg and none is now very obvious.

    Although… I have been thinking about trying 40 again so I can re-evaluate, in case I get a bit more out of it without side effects this time. Maybe I will do that next time I’m up for a refill.

    • WatTylerOP
      1 year ago

      Thank you for your input. I hope you get what you’re after with tweaking your dosage.