This is a short response to this red herring argument.

Yes, males victims EXIST. I see LGBTQ+ men (especially of the trans variety) being shamed for being “unmanly”, male rape victims exist, male domestic abuse victims exist, there are categories where men are shamed in for being male in that field such as nursing, housewifery, cooking, etc. The reality is that women suffer more. The vast majority of victims of rape, domestic abuse, and sexism are women due to the system being designed to subjugate women.

Does it make male suffering any less tragic? No, it doesn’t.

    3 months ago

    the way u paint is as if this was some kind of small issue but the lastest numbers from the cdc on this stuff on the usa says that 1 in 10 men have been forced in their lives to penetrate someone and round about naming aside thats rape and 26% men have experience violence from an intimate partner those are by no means small or dismissable numbers, the fact that they are significantly lower than the numbers for women does all of the sudden make it a non issue that isnt worth talking about. women make up at most a sizeable majority by no means are the numbers so heavenly skewed that people should be dismissed out of hand when they bring up the fact that male victims exists especially when u consider that there are withing a rounding error NO resources or support networks for male victims.

        3 months ago

        i wasn’t referring to that i was talking about scale like the actual numbers of it the words u use and the way you say it minimizes the literally physical scale of how many men are affected by this