Doesn’t create symlinks or mess with global NPM packages. Also, nvm is only supported on windows through WSL or cygwin, just like n, not sure where you are getting nvm for windows. There’s this, it’s a different application
Doesn’t create symlinks or mess with global NPM packages.
That’s hardly relevant for those who need to run node on Windows and WSL is not an option.
Also, nvm is only supported on windows through WSL or cygwin, just like n, not sure where you are getting nvm for windows.
Just yesterday I installed it through chocolatey on a Windows box without WSL.
Also, it seems you failed to notice that nvm makes references to cygwin and git-bash, the later of which everyone who installs Git ends up having in their system.
Doesn’t create symlinks or mess with global NPM packages. Also, nvm is only supported on windows through WSL or cygwin, just like n, not sure where you are getting nvm for windows. There’s this, it’s a different application
That’s hardly relevant for those who need to run node on Windows and WSL is not an option.
Just yesterday I installed it through chocolatey on a Windows box without WSL.
Also, it seems you failed to notice that nvm makes references to cygwin and git-bash, the later of which everyone who installs Git ends up having in their system.
Yes, you installed this
Which as I said, is this
It’s stated right in the readme
But your parent post is a link to the POSIX version of nvm, and my comment about n was specifically about that
You have a point. Thanks for taking the time to go through this. Good job.