Zigbee2mqtt + homeassistant = all I need at home and away.
All my zigbee devices just report in and I automate my home that way.
I have high hopes for matter but in the interim: I’ve got shit working great. Window sensors to automate air filters going on and off, a humidifier running in response to a few sensors around the apartment, grow lights on and off on some simple timers.
More complicated things like fans and lights for a 3d printing enclosure? Easy: octoprint has a homeassistant hook and I can listen in for printer start/stop.
Local control will always beat out the “easy solution” IMO. It’s just a bit more setup.
But it’s not a solution I could hand off to technically illiterate grandparents.
I’m really impressed with the breadth of devices homeassistant supports. It tracks the location of me & my wife via our iPhones. When we arrive at home after dark it turns on the exterior lights via zwave. We have 4 WiFi enabled ceiling fans from Big Ass Fans it can control, along with our Ecobee thermostats. Our washer & dryer use Insteon IOLinc modules to notify us when cycles are done. And in a few months we’re having a solar system & Powerwall installed, both of which have home assistant integrations as well.
If we’re talking lights - Lutron Caseta all day. Those things have bullet proof connectivity, support all the major platforms, have great support for homebrew stuff, have hardware that has remained the same for a long time, and local network and switch pairings work offline. If Lutron folds up shop, a lot the “smart” stuff will still work.
Zigbee2mqtt + homeassistant = all I need at home and away.
All my zigbee devices just report in and I automate my home that way.
I have high hopes for matter but in the interim: I’ve got shit working great. Window sensors to automate air filters going on and off, a humidifier running in response to a few sensors around the apartment, grow lights on and off on some simple timers.
More complicated things like fans and lights for a 3d printing enclosure? Easy: octoprint has a homeassistant hook and I can listen in for printer start/stop.
Local control will always beat out the “easy solution” IMO. It’s just a bit more setup.
But it’s not a solution I could hand off to technically illiterate grandparents.
I’m really impressed with the breadth of devices homeassistant supports. It tracks the location of me & my wife via our iPhones. When we arrive at home after dark it turns on the exterior lights via zwave. We have 4 WiFi enabled ceiling fans from Big Ass Fans it can control, along with our Ecobee thermostats. Our washer & dryer use Insteon IOLinc modules to notify us when cycles are done. And in a few months we’re having a solar system & Powerwall installed, both of which have home assistant integrations as well.
If we’re talking lights - Lutron Caseta all day. Those things have bullet proof connectivity, support all the major platforms, have great support for homebrew stuff, have hardware that has remained the same for a long time, and local network and switch pairings work offline. If Lutron folds up shop, a lot the “smart” stuff will still work.
Yeah but downside: I rent
So everything I’m doing is with smart sockets haha