Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to go through to argue that not voting for a genocidal maniac is privilege. Basically what this person saying is that if you are Palestinian you should vote for and support the person who is actively enabling the genocide of your people because they are afraid of what Trump might do because they themselves might be affected by it. How is that not privilege?

The most effective way of achieving any meaningful change is protesting and holding politicians accountable no matter who is in power. But they’re arguing for not doing that. To blindly accept and not protest or even criticize a person enabling genocide. Who cares what you vote for? A single vote doesn’t mean shit but standing up and fighting against fascism and genocide is what matters. Not only are many of these liberals privileged they are fucking cowards too.

  • Amerikan
    6 months ago

    I love how this ladder-pulling liberal cop-queer thinks there’s any solidarity to be found between assimilationist sellouts and those who know better. Nah, if you’re gonna eagerly goosestep right next to the rest of the coastal nazis, you are no longer someone I consider worth extending solidarity to. I would sooner watch the country fall-- would sooner die in that fall– than be counted on the same side as the genociders. Death to the settler, death to its empire.

    Leave it to to have the most spineless, most wretched, most fucking milquetoast assimilationist take possible. Anything to keep the treats flowing for them. Their man ain’t done shit for me; in fact, he still owes me 2 grand, locked up a couple of my cousins on RICO charges, and still hasn’t closed the concentration camps or divested the country from prison chattel slavery. That cracker (and everyone who stumps for him) is my enemy.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      6 months ago

      Trump has done more for working class people just by stumbling into covid stimulus and pursuing his need for adortion. They need to realize that a lot of Trump voters see him as the lesser of two evils.