The website admitted that by later adding accurate context to its story, it ā€œsignificantly diminishedā€ its news value and led to the article being dropped.

A popular conservative website hasĀ retracted an article that falsely blamed President Joe BidenĀ for instituting a policy againstĀ religious-themed Easter eggs at the annualĀ White House Easter Egg Roll.

On Tuesday, theĀ Daily CallerĀ retracted an article that began, ā€œThe Biden administration banned children from submitting Easter eggs with religious themes for its 2024 ā€˜Celebrating National Guard Familiesā€™ art contest.ā€

AlthoughĀ the ban against religious imagery goes back to the Carter administrationĀ and was in effect during the Trump administration, the Daily Caller ignored that pesky little detail in order to give readersĀ a MAGA opportunity to gripe and moanĀ about a grievance that didnā€™t exist.

As a result, many conservativesĀ attempted to make hay off the story,Ā even though it was misleading, especially since many also falsely accused Biden of purposely declaring March 31 to be Trans Day of Visibility as a way to insult Christians.

    6 months ago

    Itā€™s literally information warfare.

    We have very little chance. The wealthy literally control reality with media outlets, ā€œweā€ have absolutely no equal footing in this class warā€¦