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Doctors describe rise in infections and amputations among dangerously malnourished patients
Archived version: https://archive.ph/m08w1
Doctors describe rise in infections and amputations among dangerously malnourished patients
Archived version: https://archive.ph/m08w1
They’re already attacking Rafah. Biden has already lost the election from anybody with any semblance of a conscience.
Over FIVE millions dollars for 100k bodies on the ground seems like it was good enough for genojoe
inB4 “iF yOu CaRE aBOut geNoCIDe yOur a RUssiAN TroLL”
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Plenty of people said that to me, and I have even heard “don’t be a single issue voter”.
It was said to me just two days ago:
Their comment was deleted by a mod, but I can read it in my replies. Here’s the context:
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Idk about them specifically but I’ve absolutely seen dismissive responses of “lol fuck off Ivan” to people saying things along the lines of
Multiple times. Sometimes it’s “lol fuck off cuckservative” instead.
That you haven’t shows you’re either not in the comment sections over in .world (good, tbh) or not remembering it, cuz it’s def there.
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Yeah, I’m not your dancing monkey to fulfill your every request. I don’t care about you to go through my entire comment history to find some f-wad I blocked a month ago.
I have been called a bot at least 25 times on Lemmy
Maybe because you block people when your views, which include starting another civil war and allowing another genocide to begin right here in the US, are challenged.
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Not sure you want the receipts of all of the shitty people on this app mate 🤣
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Your choices are Biden or Trump, both will support Israel. Choose
“Erm akshually you have to vote for genocide”
How about you vote for your favorite brick in this here wall, Good German.
Reader, I address you because this person is a lost cause. If your government and media apparatus tries to compel you to go along with a genocide, and explicitly or implicitly tells you you have no choice, you have a moral and practical duty as a member of the human race to tear it down and impede it at every turn. We all ultimately have to live with ourselves, never let someone chide you into carving up your soul.
Besides, what you let them do over there today will be done to you over here tomorrow.
Already got ours passports and flights booked.
We’ll vote w/ somebody that agrees w/ our beliefs about what is “right” and hope the libs have a change of heart eventually…
Absolutely 0 faith in that happening though, so gunna wait out the fallout from outside of this clusterfuck ;)
Leaving is also a cool and good response which weakens the state and I’m glad you guys are getting to safety
Hmm fascism, fascism, or a real choice. Tough choice.
Sure if you want to run from your problems go for it. If you want to actually live long enough to try and fix the country and oust imperialists, there’s only one option.
If you genuinely believe in “only one option,” then you don’t live in a democracy mate. I’m voting for the correct choice and you can do whatever you want.
I never said we live in a functioning democracy lol
Not a binary system mate.
Get with the program or revisit 2016, your choice.
Quite objectively is, change the system. Can’t do that under fascism 乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ
Fascism has been here since the beginning, since before we called it fascism, it was just applied unevenly along class and racial lines. Our fascist party and our “democratic” party will always stop their kayfabe bickering and fall into lockstep when it comes to supporting imperialism and genocide abroad, and crushing the working class here at home. The pool of donors that “both” parties share are all following the same profit motives.
My sibling in christ, your “non-fascists” are doing a genocide right now.
Ok and your option is prevent another from starting here and trying to fix the system to get rid of these assholes or let the people who want to start another genocide right here who still support Israel’s active one
Not a binary choice mate.
Show me a candidate that has any chance of winning outside of the two party system then
They’re already doing another one here too. Our concentration camps are packed full of kids and asylum seekers, imprisoned in squalid conditions where disease and sexual abuse from border patrol freaks is rampant. Do you know how Anne Frank died? It wasn’t in a gas chamber. It was from Typhus, from the horrible unsanitary camp. Many asylum seekers and their childern have already died of diesease in these hellholes. We are currently creating countless Anne Franks, but you libs stopped giving a shit as soon as blue fascist got elected. Even when they started tear gassing them and forcibly cutting out their wombs, blue maga zombies still found excuses. You will always find excuses not to act, and your final excuse will be “I was simply following orders.”
Both of those happened under trump, letting him win will make it worse that is guaranteed.
YOU are the one letting Trump win btw. Let that sink in you doomer.
You mean it continued under Trump.
Who built the camps?
“You don’t live in a Democracy but get in line and pretend you do”