On the morning of April 9, the Russian Defense Ministry reported four downed drones of the airplane type over the Voronezh and Belgorod regions.

Voronezh Region Governor Alexander Gusev also reported earlier about the destruction of a drone in the region. According to him, there are no casualties. “The consequences on the ground are being clarified,” he wrote (https://t.me/gusev_36/2052)he.

Russian Telegram channels, citing local residents, wrote that the drones attacked the Chkalov flight training center and an aircraft factory in Borisoglebsk in the Voronezh region. Ukrainian media, citing sources in military intelligence, reported (https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2024/04/9/7450359/)that the company’s “main production facilities” were "hit.

According to Russian Telegram channels, the first drone crashed into the facade of a building on the fourth floor at around three in the morning. A second drone hit the same place an hour later, according to (https://t.me/bazabazon/26805) “Baza.” The facade was damaged and windows were broken. There were no casualties, specifies (https://t.me/astrapress/52877) telegram channel “Astra”.