• WeirdAlex03
    9 months ago

    Sorry if I haven’t worked on the project for some time, work got in the way and things got a bit hectic on my side of the screen.

    Oh no worries, I’d be lying if I said I made 17 days of progress between those messages, or even just 7, or really anything more than 2 days lol.

    I agree with the non-comic checkbox, it’s an elegant way to tackle the problem

    Done. I also added a checkbox for unofficial title since it’s hard to find official titles for pre-Reddit comics (if they were even named at all? the only other page i know with titles is his X Twitter Nitter page and I am not scrolling back 3 years to find out)

    Not sure about tagging Rain as non-comic, though. I would use non-comic exclusively for art pieces that are not related to any storyline, to avoid confusion or inconsistent tagging. What do you think?

    I’m still leaning yes. A separate checkbox means they aren’t mutually exclusive so we can have both WAH and non-comic

    the more non-canon characters/characters with a non-canonical personality make an appearance

    I think this one’s fairly simple: we’re archiving MoringMark comics, not The Owl House comics. The official canon is obviously a good start, but ultimately we’re tagging by his fanon lore

    I think that having a different set of checkboxes for beta/alternate characters would just add extra bloat to an already pretty in-depth document, and the inconsistencies that you mentioned further exacerbate the problem. In my opinion, a combination of the character tag + the Series tag or the “alternate timeline” tag already cover this eventuality without the need to resort to a specific single tag. For example, if a person wants to look for all the WAH!Luz appearances, they will look for Luz+WAH or Luz+Alternate Timeline tags.

    Same for the alternate names: I think that canon name tag + series tag/alternate timeline tag already covers this eventuality without the need for a “Lucia” or a “WAH!Gus” tag.

    That’s actually more-or-less the same thing I was trying to say. Sorry if that wasn’t clear originally

    I was only thinking of separate options for the Beta! designs, since they are common enough and not mutually exclusive with the original versions. Witch!Luz/WAH!Gus/etc yeah just look for (Beta!)Luz and the WAH series. No need for a new set of options for every possible combination when it’s already clearly implied by the rest of the tagging