I ignored the IRS for an entire decade and got away with it. I think.
Disclaimer: please don’t take this as advice.
I get that seeing billionaires dodge tax is pretty discouraging in terms of motivation to pay tax, but at the same time, someone else being a leech does not give you the right to be a leech as well.
Then the government should consider that.
To be rich one simply needs to do what is exemplified by them. Obviously, right?
So, don’t pay tax,
Assume the law doesn’t apply to you
Cozy up to the shadow side of the inner circles, the generally unknown but protected people, think adult children of police and judges.
For whatever reason, drag every court case out and take everything to trial.
Dumping forever chemicals and commiting treason while on national television are also fair game, imo.
When the law is applied unequally = no one, high or low, will respect the law.
I am in the most danger to die when I am in the presence of the police. Respect is not a word I associate with that profession.
Monster. Liars. Abusers. Bully. Serial killer. Murderers. Hellbound. Those words make up my mental association map.
IRS has entered the chat
This is so bizarre to me, it’s so very different to how things work here in the UK.