Put yourself in the shoes of an intelligent Russian general (and there are such people). Who sees that by exchanging people and equipment in such proportions for captured territory, Russia is actually losing the war rather than winning it. And who knows that tomorrow hundreds of thousands of Western shells, Atacams missiles and F-16 airplanes will arrive at the front. The allocation of aid in such amounts means that no one will abandon Ukraine. If necessary, volunteers will fly in on F-35s.

And you don’t need to be a strategist to realize that this is the end for the Russian army. Ukraine will methodically take out Russian air defense with long-range missiles, airplanes will wipe defenseless Russian positions off the face of the earth, and far-flying drones will zero Russian refineries. And the Ukrainians won’t even need to send men to attack - Putin’s army will run on its own.

And there won’t even be a ghostly hope of a Trump victory. Not because Trump can’t win (he can), but because no one under any circumstances will lift sanctions until the war is over, all conquered territories are returned and Russia is demilitarized. Simply because if sanctions are lifted, Russia will be able to increase its combat power tenfold pretty quickly. Which means the peace will be very short. So then there will be a Russian invasion of northern Kazakhstan. And then Ukraine again. And then the Baltics.

And if there are any number of people with testicles left in the General Staff or FSB of Russia, then right now they are discussing preparations for a military coup. So right today their representatives are in touch with the Americans - give us at least some guarantees that we won’t be touched if we take down Putin and blame everything on him. And if the Americans have smart generals (and there are such people), they will give any guarantees - demolish. You will not be touched.

p.s… At the beginning of the year I made a prediction, for which I was very much criticized - this year will be Putin’s last year. Of course, I may be wrong. Of course, it is impossible to predict the future. But I still insist on my prediction - Putin’s chances of remaining president until the end of 2024 are very slim. There will be a conspiracy of generals that will bring down Puilo
