The House Bill 777 was introduced on March 25 by Representative Kellee Dickerson, who helped fund the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. The bill would criminalize library workers and libraries for joining the American Library Association.

The bill says that “no public official or employee shall appropriate, allocate, reimburse, or otherwise or in any way expend public funds to or with the American Library Association or its successor”. Whoever violates the law could face up to two years in prison.

The American Library Association (ALA) is the largest and oldest professional organization for library workers in the nation. It was founded in 1876.

[Edit typo.]

    5 months ago

    If Southern governments didn’t do things like this to their populations this country would look much different. This is why Southern governments want as few white people voting as possible and do everything they can to ensure that. Restricting public services so that only the voting class has access to basic accommodations through private means is another way of keeping oppressed people away from the political process.