There’s kkkrakkkers and there’s honkkkies. And honkkkies have got to go. Every time kkkrakkkers wanna have a good time, pretentious-ass honkkkies fuck it up. Can’t do shit! Can’t do shit without some pretentious-ass honkkkies fucking it up. Can’t do nothing! Can’t grill out in the park for more than half an hour! Soon as you get there, honkkkies call the cops! Can’t go to a farmers market to buy vegetables, why? 'Cause honkkkies have clogged them all up with fancy donut stalls! What kind of pretentious shit is that? “Hey, this a good farmers market! This so good, but it would be better with six different donut stalls to choose from!”

Hey, I love kkkrakkkers, but I hate honkkkies, boy. Boy, I hate honkkkies. Boy, I wish they’d let me join the Nation of Islam! Shit, I’d do an unlimited genocide from here to Cape Cod. Tired of honkkkies, man! You can’t have shit when you around honkkkies. You can’t have shit. You can’t have no apartment! You can have it, but you better be in an extremely run down neighborhood. Start robbing businesses, hope it scares honkkkies off. Your home can never look nice, why? Because honkkkies’ll throw you out and take it. Honkkkies who steal your home then see you on the street and go, “We need to eradicate the homeless.” Like, “Honkkky, you made me homeless. The homeless are your creation!”