Post your shave of the day for Tuesday!

    1 year ago

    Prep: Splash of Cool Water
    Razor: Henson - Aluminum ++
    Blade: Kai (2)
    Lather: Stirling - Agar
    Brush: Zenith - r/wetshaving MOAR BOAR B35/508A XL (20 uses)
    Post Shave: Stirling - Agar

    Gear Pic :: Video

    ䷀ General Notes

    More from Buzz today! I use the other soap and splash he sent, one that I really enjoy. And I try the Henson for a second time.

    ䷀ Razor and Blade Notes

    (Henson - Aluminum ++ ::: Kai ‹2 uses›)

    Great combo! Just a little blade feel, and was a great cutter, even through a week’s worth of growth in just the standard 3 passes.

    The Kai is nice in this razor, with it’s temperamental nature under control.

    Getting the right angle on the Henson felt like I was on auto this time. So it took one awkward shave, and then I was able to adjust to it automatically.

    Razor and Blade Performance/Comfort Rating: 4 out of 5 (Very Good)

    ䷀ Soap Notes

    (Stirling - Agar)

    Might be a good one to blend with some other more basic soaps… for some variations.

    Them: A warm and aromatic blend of agarwood (oud), cedar, smoke, and exotic spices.

    Scent: I got the woodiness and smoke, and then the spices did make it seem like a more exotic wood. Very nice. It did not overwhelm, due to it’s scent strength being a little on the lighter side of medium. It can offend in larger strengths, I would imagine, so maybe this concentration is a good thing.

    Scent Strength: 4/10, lightly present during shaving.

    Lather… perfect today. I wanted it a touch dry on the first pass, because I had so much growth, and I wanted to be prepared for any extra oils. The remnants of rinse water after subsequent passes hydrated it back to where I like it after the length was taken down.

    Very slick and creamy and felt great.

    Hydration: Perfect (for me)

    • 12 sec load with a Lightly-Wet brush
    • 16 ml (3.2 tsp) added to build the lather
    • = 6 passes of lather

    Bowl: Dollar Tree DIY Bowl w Glass Beads

    ䷀ Brush Notes

    Zenith - r/wetshaving MOAR BOAR B35/508A XL‹20 uses›

    Yep, this continues to be a soft brush, with an undergrowth of backbone at the core.

    During the Shave Feel:
      Cheeks: Felt blade but comfortable
      Neck: Felt blade but comfortable
    After the Shave Closeness:
      Cheeks: Near BBS - About as close as I’ll ever get
      Neck: Cut flush to where I just see the tips (above average for me)

    Shavers Map - here it is and also in the sub’s sidebar.

    Ending of Blades Ledger - entry form and the data spreadsheet