Mickey says “good meow-ning”
We weighed him yesterday, by weighing us and then holding him to weigh again. Almost 9kg. You wouldn’t think it when he’s curled up. I checked some charts online and he doesn’t seem to be overweight, but he is due for his vaccination so I’ll ask the vet.
He eats less than the sachets say to (apparently a 4kg cat should eat three whole sachets!) because he has access to food all the time and he doesn’t eat constantly. Anyway, he’s healthy, he likes to play “chasey-hide-and-pounce”, so he’s keeping me fit too running around the apartment. I do want to invest in one of those cat-wheels, a biiiiig one, but I’m afraid it would be a waste if he isn’t interested.
I love him.
Morning Mickey. I love him too
Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey
I sing that to him all the time 😂
I also replace “Jackie” with Mickey
Mickey when you scratch your post in tall lamp light
(Ohhhh Mickey)
Mickey when you got the zoomies in the dead of the night
Mick-mick-mickey, can’t get you off my mind
Beautiful cat! He is fine 🙂
aww, he looks sleepy there and very cuddly. 🥰
Don’t listen Mickey. You’re not fat, just plump. And very cute.
What a spectacular boy!
Lol reading that thread on the other website about school refusal. So many people don’t get it. I was a chronic absentee, I didn’t even go for the entirety of year 10 and had way more than 20 days off per year before and after, from primary to HS. I was abused young, and my mother had untreated schizophrenia. Neither of us had support, and she certainly didn’t realise what I was going through. She’d sleep all day, because she worked nights as a cleaner in a factory. So she wasn’t home at night, and wasn’t present during the day.
Then, if I went to school I was relentlessly bullied for having frizzy hair, being fatter than the other girls (funnily enough, I was a normal weight, and they were starving themselves :/ ), for being interested in science or “boy things”. The boys bullied me too, because I wasn’t “cool” enough. I wanted to do “boy things”. Assaulted, teased. Starting in primary. I distinctly remember the boys not allowing me to play footy with them, and the girls not wanting me to play with them because I didn’t wear lip gloss or straighten my hair.
I wanted to go, I felt like a failure, which just fuelled the depression no one realised I had. I cannot blame my mum, she herself didn’t have support for her mental health, I could hardly expect she would know what to do with me.
And it wasn’t really the schools fault either. Some teachers sucked, sure, but the classes were oversized and there were kids who were loudly unruly. I was quiet, and I got really good grades. I fell through the cracks, and it was easy to fall back in the 2000s.
I’m glad that the kids in the article are getting into schools that can meet their needs and foster a sense of self-worth. That just wasn’t available to me back then. It has affected me, and still does. I blame the system, no real individual. If you don’t conform, then you’re just left to rot. And if your parents aren’t great and perfect, or they’re absent… What can the child do??
Anyway, that’s my little rant. That “other place” can be such a cancer.
So sorry this happened to you. So many hugs.
That is on the school and all of society really.
I wish Australians were more litigious, I wish perps were frightened to do the wrong thing because they would get sued up the wazoo.
Because relying on other kids, teachers and principals to do the right thing isn’t working
hugs :(
I sometimes wonder if people who bullied others ever think about it later in life. It makes me sad to think that it’s such an accepted thing, wherever we look.
Ok. Groceries purchased. Cat fed and brushed. Dinner in the oven.
I really hope this cold doesn’t last much longer. I live alone and am single so being sick brings my life to a standstill.
Gibson is concerned also.
We were shopping for our first home many years ago. It was on a hill. As we were stepping out to leave, the agent says “hey is that your car?”
I look over across the street, and my car had started rolling down the hill!! I bolted over the fence, quickly zapped the alarm button and dove inside to stop it just in time before crashing into another car.!
We ended up buying the house.
The End
Got a similar story with a trolley.
Was loading groceries and stuff into my car and put down something to stop the trolley from rolling downhill.
Come back from one load and trolley is missing and I see it slowly rolling down picking up momentum in the car park, at the end one incline are more cars parked.
Bolted after the trolley and thankfully no cars were coming up or down the laneway at the time and after 100 metres I manage to catch the trolley without hitting a car or being hit by one.
That scared the bejubus out of me that day. Never parked there ever again.
That was some movie level dare devilling there 🫨
I felt like Tom Cruise
You had a tether and did it in very very slow motion?
Second last day of holidays and I am sick with a head cold 🤕🤕 luckily didn’t have much planned because it’s now just rest and feeling sorry for myself
no shame in rest 🤗
First day at second job was really awesome. Feels like I’m working with real people! And so much respect and warmth! Plus some very compatible interests/tastes/politics. Cozy, comfy office and such a short commute… I couldn’t ask for more??!
I think I have a random crush developing on a colleague however, which needs to be viciously stepped on and killed with a flamethrower immediately. Please let them have a partner. Haven’t heard one mentioned so far… if they don’t say anything I’m going to ask (obliquely).
Sounds awesome, so happy for you.
In regard to your work colleague though there are some people who never talk or mentions their other half or partner, even with people who I’ve worked with for over a decade, some of them rarely talk about their other half though they do talk about other aspects of their lives including their kids.
Just a friendly little heads up about it.
Oh for sure. Most people I’ve worked with have the age and circumstances to be partnered even if without kids, so I generally assume that unless said otherwise.
Not that I care 99% of the time; this is just an incredibly stupid crush that will go away soon enough… but it’ll go away faster if I know there’s a partner for sure!
But at the same time who knows what could happen!
Especially if this person isn’t with or seeing someone.
New beginnings and all.
Hell yeah! Glad it’s working out well ❤️
I definitely had a couple of poignant moments of “wow I can’t believe what I put up with at my old place”.
But it’s like with love and relationships, sometimes the best healing from an old job isn’t just time off, but a new and better environment to rewire the brain 😊
We’ll see how this goes over the next few weeks. Never managed two jobs like this before
I totally agree with you. Time off is nice, but getting back onto the proverbial horse makes a hell of a difference.
When we purchased our new house 5 years ago, we had a Tesla PowerWall installed. It came with a Telstra 3G SIM card and when they installed it, I told them to connect it via Ethernet. The technician refused, saying that it has 3G and doesn’t need to be connect to the home network at all.
I received a text from Tesla this morning, telling me that our PowerWall will not be covered by warranty when Telstra kill 3G at the end of next month.
I then received an email from Tesla (that looked like Spam).
I then receive a phone call from Tesla.
I mentioned that I don’t have WiFi coverage in my garage and they told me to move my router. I told them that I instructed the technician to connect via Ethernet originally and they said that I would need to get the technician back out to connect it.
I am not allowed to plug Ethernet into it without voiding warranty and I need to plug Ethernet into it to prevent the warranty from being void.
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I visited my wife’s old workplace.
They got new EFTPOS terminals some time in the last 6 months… running on 3G.
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The local Tesla/Solar service provider is a subsidiary of the Sugar Refining Company (of Blue Sky Mine-Midnight Oil fame).
That probably explains a lot about the quality of service.
Yeah, I saw that yesterday. I sent it to Tesla support by email ;)
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It is insane that the installing sparky ran three-phase power to the location but doesn’t bother running some twisted pair for Ethernet at the same time.
We had to fight with the installer to have our Solar Inverter connected to Ethernet, even though there was a cable already in place. Unfortunately we won the fight for the Inverter but lost the fight for the PowerWall.
I know that at least one Manufacturer who is deprioritising warranty claims on “smart” Car Charger wallboxes unless they were connected by Ethernet at the time of installation.
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Builders are incompetent.
Yep. Our builder gave the electricians the incorrect plans.
They had to come back to run the electrical extra cables so we had some gaping holes in the plasterboard in the two master bedrooms. That was the least of our problems…
I do have A UniFi home network so all I need to do is add another access point, but that is beside the point.
I don’t want it using WiFi; it is a fitting that is part of the house, it should be wired, not wireless.
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@Salvo @Seagoon_ i have no plans on ever buying anything Tesla, but if I ever had any potential to, its bullshit like this which smacks me out of it (drunken stupor likely)
The PowerWall is a great product for what it is, but Lithium Ion is wasted in a permanent install. Other battery technologies are more reliable, cheaper, safer and simpler.
The only thing Lithium Ion has going is ubiquity due to volumes of scale. It is like putting a ESP32 in something that needs to be connected to the internet because it is cheaper than a separate microcontroller chip and ethernet chip; or how most Lightning headphones use Bluetooth because a single Bluetooth chip with integrated DAC is cheaper and more readily available than an official (or even a bootleg) Lightning chip and a DAC chip.
@Salvo Oof. In the next couple of years I’ll be getting solar and some kind of home battery. I’ve been vaguely considering Tesla on the idea that they couldn’t possibly mess up a stationary battery in my home like they do their cars. Thanks for setting me straight.
Don’t get me wrong, the PowerWall has been great for the last 4 years, It is just that the subcontracting technicians didn’t want to do any more work than the bare minimum, even though it was negligible extra effort.
That said, since Musk has severely gone off the rails and still has controlling interest in the Company, I would be hesitant to trust anything that comes out from the North American operations.
The problem is that all the other aftermarket battery backup technologies (that I know about from 3 year old research) are either inferior to the PowerWall in every way, or need to be manufactured bespoke for the Australian market.
so I’d say camping was a success. COLD, but a success. It was Tinyest’s first ever camping trip and he took it super well, but I will admit I think the mrs is right, it’ll be a LOT easier when he can walk. But still, good to get him started early! I also brought a friend who I’ve been begging to go for ages, she wasnt a huge fan of camping but gave it a go and says she had a great time and wants to go again, so thats awesome.
I know I say this every time, but Wilson’s Prom is just SO damn pretty. If your sitting here being like “man I haven’t camped in ages” or “Man, I’m not really into camping” I beg of you to give it a go. I’m prepared to bet its physically impossible to have a bad time down there.
it’ll be a LOT easier when he can walk
See, the thing here is, when they start to walk they almost always default to walking towards something dangerous as a first option…so yeah, it’s easier, but you’ll also get loads of lunging forward practice just as you’ve sat down or have just started doing something else… ha
haha no absolutely aware of that. i watched a dude do laps with a VB can in his hand 2 feet behind his toddler stumbling around. I aspire to that parent, just with a better drink choice.
I did think of you yesterday, I came home and started looking at camper trailers again cause my garage is FULL of wet tent/gazebo shit
I still haven’t been to Willys prom. It’s one of the few places left in Vic I haven’t been to yet, excluding the mountains in the east
Get on it! Honestly like the most pretty place in the state.
I can’t drive and don’t have a car
There’s no PT there, and I’m sure as shit not paying $90 for a taxi there
I’ll make it one day
Did you hike in ? Is there a good fairly accessible (for someone who doesn’t want to hike for miles on their own) spot?
Nah drove into tidal river with the kid. You just park on your site.
Cool. Ta
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Lol. It was great weather yesterday. A warm 24°c and sunny. Missed it by that much. 🤏
Melbourne airport continues to be a literal international embarrassment.
@Pilk @wscholermann Also, if you’ve got checked baggage and you’re flying to Tullamarine, I suggest you bring a good book.
Because you’ll be waiting… And waiting… And waiting…
I keep hearing horror stories but my last trip was spectacular both on departure and arrival. I barely slowed down on my way out and same for on my way back in. No lines in either case. Scanned my stuff which I had out and ready and waltzed through no worries.
Picked up the bags from the carousel they sent me to. Off I went. Must have just been lucky.
It’s sleepy time BUT I DON’T WANNA
I know that feeling!
Wifey is already sound asleep, as are our fur babies. I need to be up early for work tomorrow.
I was laying in bed awake for over 2 hours and just couldn’t slip into sleepy land so I said fuck it and now I’m just not going to sleep it seems
I was vibrating with stress for obvious reasons - ended up googling mattresses in boxes. Slept once one was sourced.
Revenge bedtime procrastination is alive and well in my house 😆
You’re not going to believe this - after one person at the auction place called on Friday to say that the furniture I want to sell can’t be picked up, someone else called to talk about pickup.
We agreed it would be easier for me to bring the stuff up anyway but they now don’t have a slot for me to drop it off until 2:45.
Anyway the neighbour came around to help me load the car so that’s all done, and he helped me disassemble Mum’s old bed in the bargain and waved off any suggestion of payment. What a guy.I’m absolutely fucked. Can’t get out of bed. Have so much I need to do today that can’t be put off.
Coffee, hot shower, gym playlist and go hard!
Done! I’m walking to the shops. Here we go!!!
I noticed a new thing at Woolies self checkout. Previously when you put fruit and veg on it you’d have to select the fruit and veg button and get the frequently bought items menu, and go from there. Now, it’s using a recognition system where it offers a selection based on what it thinks you have put in the scale. For example I bought cucumbers, and it offered me a choice of cucumber or zucchini to select. For a leek, it gave me leek, zucchini or banana.
Yes I would say so, with some image recognition software.
@SituationCake @Seagoon_ They also have another camera pointing at where your basket is.
It’s “smart” enough to notice if you place something from another shop in your basket, or if you put a bag from another shop in the bagging area.
It’s not smart enough to realise that Chemist Warehouse bag probably isn’t something you got from Woolies.
So when you go to pay, it will show an error message, and call over an attendant.
And the attendant will take one look at it and go, yeah, that’s not from here.
It wastes your time, and the attendant’s time.
@ajsadauskas @SituationCake @Seagoon_ if they could bottle the rage that “self service” checkouts produce they could power a city the size of Melbourne for a century.
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@ppossej @SituationCake @Seagoon_ Assuming malicious intent is the worst part. They make you feel like a shoplifter every time you enter the store!
They’re the ones who took over almost all the independent supermarkets and chains. (Remember Safeway? BiLo? Franklin’s No Frills? Jewel? Tuckerbag? Festival? Rainbow? SSW?)
They’re the ones who jacked up prices during a cost of living crisis and made billions.
They’re the ones who ripped out humans at the checkout and replaced them with self-checkouts.
They’re the ones that replaced most of the brand-name products with their home brands.
They’re the ones that decided to clog up their aisles by doing night full during the day to save costs.
And then they assume we’re the ones with a malicious intent!
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@luciedigitalni @ajsadauskas @ppossej @SituationCake @Seagoon_ Another housing affordability issue.
Yep no more “brown onions” for everything. People did this to themselves but no doubt they’ll find another loophole. I wonder if you could trick it with a photo of onions covering what’s on the scale.
Funny you mention that. I was buying some mushrooms (safe edible ones) and put them on the scale and selected the vegetable thing and it automatically suggested mushrooms to me as an item instead of me having to search for it.
I’m going to have to keep an eye on if I buy more fresh veggies at Woolies from now on.
@SituationCake Billion-dollar corporation extracting free labour from you to put a union worker out of a job. Self-checkout is scabbing. I like to smile and wait for the one checkout person on shift. @Seagoon_
@SituationCake I gave up on buying fruit and veges at Woolies a couple years ago when they added the cameras. I bring my own fruit/vege bags, which are white cotton. I refuse to use plastic bags. Cameras couldn’t see the contents and locked the check-out every time. It was a good reason to switch to the independent fruit and vegetable shop next door, which I should have been using all along.
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omg, who knew that chili bread made with lots of hot chilies would be hot 😤
@CEOofmyhouse56 @Seagoon_ How many chillies did you use?
8 big ones in a loaf
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manzano chillies
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@Seagoon_ Sounds like the right amount 😋
And I grew the chilies myself.
@Seagoon_ They look so delicious 😋
I love chilli.
Growing up, every time I cooked, I’d promise mum that whatever I was making was “not that spicy”.
She eventually learnt that my idea of not too spicy and hers were two very, very different things.
C’mon little package waiting at Sunshine West. Get in van. You can do it. You’ve got this.
I think I shall visit Brisbane first
Noooooo ☹️
Nice weather in Darwin here
Poor little dog. I guess he doesn’t get to eat for awhile. 😔