For me I say that a truck with a cab longer than its bed is not a truck, but an SUV with an overgrown bumper.

    1 year ago

    I think Gnome generally looks way better than Plasma. However, it’s simplicity and the need for endless extensions to give it more configurability that break every update is frustrating. I also wish they’d move away from the tablet-hybird mindset that they started in the 3.x era. Desktops and tablets have completely different UX paradigms and I don’t believe there’s any way to blend the two without massive sacrifices in usability.

    Plasma does look nice, mostly. And I love that it’s highly configurable. But it’s also wildly complex and many Plasma applications look incredibly visually cluttered.

    XFCE definitely looks dated.

    Mate is nice, and I used to really dig the Gnome 2 era. But it also looks dated.

    My work machine has Linux Mint, and Cinnamon is just meh.

    Basically I’m not truly happy with any of it. I’d love to switch my work box to a tiling wm, but I just can’t be arsed right now to deal with it.