You should probably be aware that nothing on the fediverse is private. ActivityPub is, by design, absolutely incompatible with privacy. (This may at first seem ironic, considering how many strong privacy advocates there are on Lemmy and Mastodon. But the key thing is that on the fediverse it’s entirely consensual and consists only of data you specifically chose to give it.) You should not consider even your DMs to be actually private, because it’s possible for clients to intercept and display them even to people who were not the intended recipient.
I’ve seen some user profiles have a “message securely” button which I think uses an external messaging service, something along the lines of telegram but completely FOSS and possibly decentralised? OP- may be worth looking into that if you were asking this from a privacy angle
You should probably be aware that nothing on the fediverse is private. ActivityPub is, by design, absolutely incompatible with privacy. (This may at first seem ironic, considering how many strong privacy advocates there are on Lemmy and Mastodon. But the key thing is that on the fediverse it’s entirely consensual and consists only of data you specifically chose to give it.) You should not consider even your DMs to be actually private, because it’s possible for clients to intercept and display them even to people who were not the intended recipient.
I’ve seen some user profiles have a “message securely” button which I think uses an external messaging service, something along the lines of telegram but completely FOSS and possibly decentralised? OP- may be worth looking into that if you were asking this from a privacy angle
Yeah Matrix is a federated (but not ActivityPub) secure messaging service.