• Group call reactions 🎉
  • Double-tap a message to edit ✍️
  • Link preview images no longer show in the ‘Shared Media’ section 🏞️
  • Improvements to missed call handling 📞
  • Updated permissions popup UI 🍾
  • jet@hackertalks.com
    10 months ago

    Yes. But it seems to have resolved itself in the last few months. I’m using Molly I’m not sure if that matters

    When the phone is cold. I have to unlock the work profile, then unlock signal/molly. If I am sharing to a contact from the share quick contacts list, it seems to always work the first time.

    If I’m sharing to a contact that I have to open signal to select it used to work 50/50 the first time, but sharing the second time after unlocking everything worked.