Spoilers for Week 6 Story


Ahsa really went and said “Go ask your other alien mom.” Knew she’d be back sooner than later, but wasn’t expecting it to be via ancestral worm god.

How’d everyone like the last mission and cinematic?

  • jontree255@lemmy.worldM
    1 year ago

    The moment we didn’t kill Immaru we knew Savathun was coming back. Not surprised she’s going to help us against the Witness considering what she learned at the end of WQ. Her VA is amazing. Glad she’s coming back.

    I think these next two seasons are essentially going to be fetch quests to get what we need to get in the portal.

    Mission itself was nothing special. I wish instead of hearing all the fighting we could see it like we did with Saint back when we rescued him. It really felt like we didn’t do much to make Xivu retreat.

    • DMmeYourNudes@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      im interested in what we’re going to do with xivu and oryx. it’s totally possible that we end up with all 3 of them on our side to fight the witness and the story ends with them going to rectify the hell the hive raught on the universe or some kind of redemption. the hive were manipulated into joining the darkness, i can’t believe oryx would be able to reconcile that fact, and xevu doesn’t seem to know what happened with the worm gods yet.