Here is what changed since b313:
Item and block EconomicSellScale to adjust individual sell price
Cooking pots and grills to trader inventories
Crawler zombie move speeds for walk, run and feral
Improvements to sleeper encounters in prison_02.
Increased economic value of cooking pots and grills to 200, but set the EconomicSellScale to .1
Lowered the stack size of cooking pots and grills to 3
Increased the price of water filters
Crafting magazine bundle is no longer fixed as a guaranteed quest reward
Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines in quest reward bundle from 3/3 to 3/2
Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines found in mailboxes, file cabinets, book piles, and crackabook shelves
Removed hazmat clothing from blue zombie bags
Updated Tier 6 Complete rewards
Localization of Cheat Mode to Creative Mode
Updated descriptions and journal entries for land claim blocks to reflect being able to place 3 now
Workbenches in roadside_truckstop_01
Twitch Extension required to use Twitch Integration.
Reduced AI attack position estimation
Reduced attack range and damage of short zombies
Reduced attack range of crawler and spider zombies
Low resolution flame particles
Navezgane changes based on feedback
Floating street light in Navezgane.
Ranger_station_03 t2 loot in t1 POI.
Ability to copy / paste lights within the prefab editor and retain their light properties
Wrong values for xp and duke rewards for infestation quests
Removed frame damage state for jail doors as they do not have a frame
Active drones can duplicate
"Respawn Near X" has added checks to avoid spawning in a POI and only on terrain blocks
Respawn menu now appears every time the player dies with different options based on if a backpack and/or bedroll is available to spawn at. If neither is available a single "Respawn Now" button will display to respawn at a nearby default spawn point.
SI issue when destroying oven in ranger_station_02.
Twitch vehicle silly sounds not decaying with distance
Ranger_station_06 has accessible valve, but no fire hazard
Custom Bit Events were not parsing correctly.
First time a drone heals it heals for 0HP
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