They have approximately now lost over 5000 subscribers which equates to about $25000 per month or $300000 per year in lost revenue.

    2 years ago

    Was the Mindchop channel about video games? If so I recall watching a video about the NCIX auctions. I recall the mission being to buy back the youtube play button from Linus’ early days there.

    I was watching due to the local uproar in the media of all of the customer data on the servers being sold to the highest bidder at the time. Being a former customer of NCIX for my personal system builds I wasn’t excited about this.

    I thought this guy was an adult if it is the same thing I was thinking about. It was spun as the guy built a cool smaller channel and couldn’t get his play button for reasons I didn’t understand and at the time of the video Linus decided the guy should have it as his channel was pretty cool. Since I wasn’t a rabid LTT viewer I never saw anything more about it and honestly I probably didn’t see another LTT video for a while after that.