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You ever wonder why there are no videos of cops tackling and punching white supremacists during their protests?
(It’s cause the cops are on their side.)
There are plenty of videos of cops flashing white supremacist signs, though
These people should be much more tightly regulated
Why hasn’t he been identified and arrested for assault yet?
May I introduce you to the term “police work stoppage”
Dereliction of duty & loss of pension
Try to get that past the union
Wait a second, you’re telling me police have one of those evil socialist unions?
“some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”
Rage against the machine for everyone who doesn’t know.
It’d be awkward at the office the next day if they punched a coworker.
Friendly Fire is usually not enabled.
Too many just say no they should just open carry ignoring that it would just make the cops attack even harder
At least you’ll get to shoot back
Maybe, except all the examples of cops going from zero to “shooty-mcshooty-pants” as soon as they see or suspect you have a gun.
Or indeed an acorn.
If it’s one person, yes. If it’s an entire crowd of people open carrying rifles, not so much.
It’s about sides, but not about racism, I think.
Just the profession is mostly attractive to cowards who want to fill the inner void of self-respect by violence against others (or fear). Quite similar to how people become racist.
It’s definitely about racism. Racists are welcomed in the force. They’re just encouraged to keep it on the DL. You know, only wear the hood on the weekends.
Racism is just one of great many things often uniting cowards.
It’s crazy how this makes headlines around the world, yet we’ve had cops behave ten times worse with protesters here in Germany and it never leaves fringe news outlets. Not even one big German news outlet explicitly talks or goes into details on the cases of brutal police violence happening here. It feels like I’m living in a dystopian future. Beware, this is coming to you too.
It’s because of our past and now Israel can do no wrong and anyone who even hints at Israel doing a genocide is an antisemitic Nazi sympathizer. The media and politics bias is extreme
I’m part jewish myself. My great grandmother was killed by the nazis during the Holocaust. Yet Germans are trying to gaslight people like me for speaking about the fact that Palestinians are humans and should be treated as such. All of the German talk about “Erinnerungskultur” (memory culture) makes me want to puke. It feels very performative and void of any substance.
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Did you just repost the comment I already replied to and the mods removed? Are you a bot?
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So the guy you just linked as a historian (one historian, not historians) is an ex AfD (extremist right wing party) politician.
Has he published any books on Israel Palestine or why would whatever he says be worth a dime?
On another note, I find it hilarious that he uses the example of illegal israeli settlers getting attacked by the local population after driving through the West Bank, which last time I checked was definitely NOT in Israel and absolutely no one welcomed them there. Now I wonder, what were these Israelis doing there in illegally occupied territories? And he uses that as an example to justify his racist ideology that every single Palestinian would “stab an israeli in the back if they had the chance”. The german delusions at their best.
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You literally copy pasted the comment that was removed by the mods by that other user. Go look at the reply I left there if you want an answer. I don’t know if you’re a bot or not, but this is the exact comment that was left here already, with the exact same grammatical mistakes.
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If the international law is so clear cut then Israel would’ve left the territories it occupies illegally under international law. They’ve been invading, occupying and settling for decades. That is illegal and has been declared as such by the UN. Israel actively goes against international law. So get off your high horse there.
But look, at least the people out of your German bubble, the people around the world, can see how delusional the German society really is. You’re boiling in your own delusions. A fever dream, a parallel reality that even Israel allies do not share with you. Not even America. It’s going to be a hard wakeup call when these delusions come crumbling down around you.
Yes, it’s funny, I grew up listening to my clueless mother about how Germany has repented and Nazi stuff isn’t tolerated because they understand the weight and all that nonsense.
I’m part Jewish. Reading EDIT: (accidental press) some of the stuff on the interwebs from Germans make me wish they were more like Japan FFS.
Germans love to pat themselves on the back while telling themselves that. But it’s just performative. It has no substance, no value. Their nazi grandpas were still working for the government after the war. Some of them were even ministers. Some of them were big generals in the German army during and after the war. At the same time Germany is cracking down on the “bad jews” that do not fit their rabid colonialist ideology. Oh, where have I seen that before? Separating the bad jews from the good ones.
Disregard Israeli bullshit
If it makes you feel any vindication, the fact that this was reported by news outlets here means nothing. This cop will never see punishment beyond a slap on the wrist or some paid administrative leave at best. Police violence has already been institutionalized in America too.
Sadly it doesn’t. I’m here just trying to warn people that things will get a lot worse.
we’ve had cops behave ten times worse with protesters here in Germany and it never leaves fringe news outlets
Enormous numbers of German Jews being targeted by a Berlin PD that just got caught in a giant pro-Nazi Cops scandal a couple of years ago, all under the guise of the antisemitism statutes.
If I didn’t know better, I might begin to suspect German obsequious deference to their shameful history has been twisted into a new state-sanctioned Kristallnacht.
Do you have any news articles (even local ones in German) to share regarding that? Would be interested in reading.
Just a ton of videos of police violence taken at protests and posted in activist groups on Instagram. I’ll drop you some links to them here. As I’ve said, almost no german media outlets picks on these cases of extreme police violence even when they are actually there when it is happening so it’s next to impossible for me to send you links to newspapers.
Most of these videos are from a few days ago. Oldest one is from three weeks ago. Honestly they’re all scattered all throughout my gallery, so here are just the last few ones I’ve found now. This has been ongoing since last year.
Here you can see a police officer repeatedly hitting a protester that’s already on the ground. Remember that cops have gloves with knuckles covered in hard plastic.
There’s also this one from the same event with cops pummeling protesters that are on the ground with fists and jumping on them with their knees.
Here is one with a cop hitting a woman directly in the face, again, with hard gloves.
Here are some of cops spraying people with pepper spray at extremely close distance.
Attacking sit-in protesters, jumping on them with their knees
Beating on a man that’s on the ground
This looks like a straight up rape scene (Major TRIGGER WARNING)
Attacking a guy for peacefully carrying a flag
Attacking a lone man at night
Remember that these happened either over the last few days or very recently. This has been ongoing for many months now and there are many more horrible examples of this happening. There are also the many iconic pictures and videos of police officers holding protesters from the back while completely covering their eyes and mouths from behind. This is inhumane. Also most of these situations are easily avoidable, but cops are more trigger happy at some protests than at others for some reason. It seems like they’ve been let off the leash to escalate these situations to the extreme. These protests are almost always peaceful. They’re not riots. They’re not destroying the city. They’re merely walking from one place to another and are met with extreme violence.
There are many reports of activists with broken noses, arms, or legs coming out of here (again, in activist groups and so on; also many of the victims are simply posting to look for witnesses to sue cops when they inevitably end up in the hospital because of them). One report of a protester ending up in intensive care after being beaten by the cops.
It also doesn’t help that in Germany the chances of successfully suing a cop are close to zero. Police officers have the closest thing to immunity when it comes to being sued. Because they are sworn in under oath, their word always counts more in a court of law than yours, under German law. If they say you were resisting, then you were resisting and there’s nothing to discuss.
So you can see, police violence that makes international headlines when it comes out of the US, goes unnoticed in Germany. It feels like I’m living in a fever dream, where the worst in the US is considered the norm in Germany.
EDIT: deleted further replies and added everything to the same comment for better readability
Uff, that’s hard. But people should definitely still try to sue if they feel up to it. This is the only way stuff like this gets out to the public!
That’s not how Germany functions. First and foremost, it’s next to impossible to sue the police. Secondly, the media doesn’t report on any of this and won’t. It doesn’t fit in their agenda to acknowledge that such things are happening.
That’s not true. You can definitely sue the police. You can literally sue anyone. But the chance of winning is something else. And we have lots of private Newspaper which don’t follow an “agenda” and are more than happy to report about this. For example Katapult Magazin & Volksverpetzer. There is no overall “agenda”. Don’t start to schwurble.
What I clearly meant by that is that it is impossible to successfully sue a cop. No one cares that you can sue if the chances of winning are literally zero. And that’s what your chances do look like in Germany.
Besides that Volksverpetzer is trying way too hard to go the enlightened centrist route which is especially now a problem when we’re looking at a possible genocide. Katapult Magazin is okay in that aspect. There are a few other acceptable media outlets out there too. But again, these are mostly fringe outlets, which was exactly my point in the first place.
Police violence that is at least as bad as the one seen in this article, or even worse, is not picked up by big media outlets in Germany as it is in other countries like the US or UK. And that is what I was criticising. If you do find an article from a big German media outlet going into detail on cops using excessive violence and pummelling protesters with fists in the current context of pro Palestine protests, then link it here. Otherwise I don’t think there’s anything left to discuss.
Ahhh now it’s THIS specific kind of police violence, interesting. In your other Post it was Police using excessive violence in general which was not talked about. Moving goal posts, I see. It took 30 seconds of googling to find this. And… wow, lots of these are public media. Who could have known. You have the same flaw as most “political people” today. You have strong opinion about politics, but doing something? “Naaaah. YoU cAnT dO AnYtHinG!11!!! THEY wont let us!!!1111 No, I haven’t tried yet. I just know…” You can’t expect that People get punished for doing wrong if NO ONE does something. People have to try! You might fail because the system is rigged but not trying is no solution either, then you lose every time. You want the police to stop beating you up? SUE THEM. Start a social media campaign, do something else instead of only complaining. And don’t bother answering me I will have blocked you at this point, I have enough idle people around me, I don’t need more.’
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I dunno. Are your polzei intentionally firing rubber baton rounds at protesters’ heads, breaking limbs, and pepper-spraying at point-blank? Haven’t seen it reported as happening yet for the Gaza protests but there’s a load of people from the BLM protests (where people wanted police to stop murdering fellow citizens) that suffered blindness and/or traumatic brain injuries (among other things) as a result.
I really hope your police aren’t as bad as those in the US. Here they are generally legally untouchable and can even straight-up rob you by charging your property with a crime (they can it “civil asset forfeiture” and despite it being blatantly against the word and spirit of our Constitution, the courts keep declaring it somehow legal).
Actually yes. They’ve been doing that. Minus the rubber bullets. I don’t think they have those here. Just watch the videos I linked in my other comment.
Fucking disgusting.
That’s not proper procedure, that’s assault. I would totally back that crowd if they swarmed in and beat the shit out of those cops after seeing that.I completely expected at least some incidents of crowds mass uprising against cops during the 2020 brutalities. I don’t mean burning down police stations. I mean literally attacking every cop on the street after Twitter was awash with cops running over protesters, cracking an old mans skull open, etc. I would have thought cops would be afraid of citizen mobs coming to their homes.
The degree of repression that we just accept, despite our anger, is shocking to me. And I say this as an anti-violence person. I wouldn’t have taken part in such an uprising. But I thought there are enough people who would be pushed over the edge that I was sorta dismayed that a mini-revolution didn’t happen.
cracking an old mans skull open
The fact that the national guard stepped in immediately after the cop walked away is so telling. The actual military, deployed with rifles to calm down the riots, gives more of a shit about people than the police.
Honestly, until the working class realizes the cops work for the capitalists and are there to protect their property, not civilians, we will see more “don’t have anything to fear” crowd stepping in to assist against this kind of thing.
However, most are still hung up on wedge issues like abortion to unite against the powers of their own oppression. So long as cops are seen as protectors to some, we will have bootlickers tonguing some pork brown-eye.
Just remember: all protestors are antisemities
Also: “cops aren’t bad, there’s just one or two bad apples.”
Yeah, I never understood why they use that phrase. I swear not a single one has heard the entire phrase:
A few bad apples spoil the bunch.
I’ve heard they can shoot up some people for that there in the New World?
There’s a reason cops are called pigs, cause they’re fucking disgusting and shouldn’t be associated with actual humans!
But they aren’t kosher or halal!
Abrahamic religions: surprisingly based?
I disagree. One is a loving intelligent creature that we should respect and coexist with. The other is a police officer.
Time for the Punisher. The protesters should have beat the cops ass. People need to start fighting back. We need the Black Panters again.
It’s Pro-Palestinian
Seen this ani/pro Gaza, as another small propaganda step, to not talk about Palestine or the people.
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You’re strawmanning it. Protesting to stop bombing civilians in Gaza is not the same as supporting Hamas.
Unless by “protest in favor of a mass murdering genocidal terrorist organization” you mean the pro-IDF rallies right?
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No. The Israelis do it all the time and the NYPD haven’t bothered them.
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What could Hamas do to stop the violence?
At the moment, they’re desperately negotiating for a ceasefire in Egypt. But without an Israeli government willing to accept an offer, there’s nothing they can do because they’re not the ones with the tanks and the bombers.
You can not just go somewhere without a permission and occupy other peoples property.
You absolutely can and people routinely do.
The dudes could protest 365 days a year on roads where they have permission.
Who grants permission to access public property?
Sack them. Fine them. Teach them.
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And then you are regularly arrested for trespassing and damage to property.
Setting aside the abysmal crime clearance rate for breaking-and-entering, you’re only subject to arrest if you’re on the wrong side of the police. This leads to a peculiar situation in which law enforcement can and do break into people’s property, ransack it, and occasionally kill the inhabitants, without consequence. What’s more, civilians allied with the police can raid property and engage in assault without consequence, because a given officer/DA tacitly approves of the offense.
Shame on you if you tell people to disregard the law
When might makes right, there is no law to disregard.
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Sure Hamas begs for a cease fire because Israel is tearing them a structurally superfluous new a-hole.
They’re butchering civilians, flattening hospitals, and sending IDF ground troops in to do TikTok dances in rooms full of women’s lingerie while blood is still visible on the walls.