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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Copyright should be nullified if there’s no longer first party sales.

    Then everything created before now will compete with new copyrighted creations.

    In a lobbied environment such a thing can’t exist.

    Probably some elaborations about what exclusive rights can and can’t be should have been put into US constitution (because US is the main source of this particular problem, though, of course, it’ll be defended by interested parties in many other countries), but that was written a bit earlier than even electric telegraphy became a thing.

    They really couldn’t imagine trying to destroy\outlaw earlier better creations so that the garbage wouldn’t have competition. Printing industry back then did, of course, have weight in making laws, but not such an unbalanced one, because the middle class of that time wouldn’t consume as easily as in ours (one could visually differentiate members of that by normal shoes and clothes), and books were physical objects.

  • Why does desktop hardware become more and more complex and fragile?

    I want my BunkerNet with 90s Amiga level machines with technology practical enough to be produced (with reasonable investment) at least in every 1mln city (with literate population and necessary raw resources available).

    Yes, I’ve even started with something above that, running Windows 98SE, games and all.

    But just … how necessary it really is? Just (that is, 1.5 hrs ago, ADHD) returned home from a bicycle ride in a park, it’s fun with a normal bicycle, it’s fun with a Soviet bicycle which is barely that, it’s fun with a foldable bicycle with switchable reductors, it’s fun with roller skates, and it’s fun on foot.

    Can we treat computers the same? They are means to an end. NEW ROUNDED CORNERS AND ADS IN EVERY ORIFICE TO BE ALWAYS CONNECTED TO OUR NEW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is not that end.

    EDIT: ok, each 1mln city is asinine ; each 5-10mln people on the planet maybe?

  • Well, in those memories you wouldn’t have to go to any market, you’d just see a few tables along the way in busy places on your way anywhere. Maybe even smaller shops (usually illegal construction alongside bigger buildings or even just in the middle of something supposed to be a square).

    BTW, about illegal construction - frankly I’m nostalgic of all that. Because yeah, those cheap plastic things were illegal and were all demolished. Instead we now have supposedly legal heavy, tasteless, threatening “shopping centers” here and there, miraculously making the space feel more constrained than those old things would, all belonging to the right people, with nice shiny perfectly legal businesses inside.

    It’s somehow relaxing to get someplace backwater sometimes and see towns looking that old way. Though the town I’m thinking about looked differently back then, and I liked it more, but what will you do.

    A-and frankly there were plenty of situations where it was perfectly legal (as possible in the Russian 90s), but “the permit was issued by mistake, no compensation is in order, free the building for demolition by tomorrow” for a 20 years old building solves any problem.

  • russia has been the #1 source of firmware jailbreaks and torrents for industrial software for 20+ years. Their government is so awful that their people had to figure out how to work around the world hating them.

    These two sentences are unconnected. It’s just that in the 90s and early 00s in Russia incomes were still not very high to buy software, copyright protection wasn’t really enforced, copyright violation being a thing was hard to explain to many people, and lots of things wouldn’t be officially sold. Say, localized versions of video games often wouldn’t exist.

    In my childhood I remember that pirate disks were norm and official ones a curiosity, something very cool and unusual. Then official versions (including localized ones from 1C) started becoming more common, as would buying disks in book stores etc, and not in underground crossings or near subway entrances.

    There were even companies which technically sold pirate disks, but they could have become official localizers or vendors or whatever. It probably didn’t even occur to them to try and become such.

  • While everything living grows old and dies, and has its limits, we separate “<T> revolution” from “<T> normal development” for a reason.

    I mean, what currently exists (with consumerism, incredibly wasteful production of electronic devices doing mostly useless work, less efficient production and organization being preferable when it allows someone to preserve power, Ponzi schemes of various kinds, ignorance and tribalism) is sometimes just a culture, not basic instincts (which have their downsides, but those are solvable). It’s not all cultures.

    That culture has brought us revolutions unseen before. Then it stagnated and may die, but the humanity may survive and have more revolutions in the future.

  • Because the supermajority of libertarians are

    Not in my experience.

    Even the childish types usually explore the actual subject.

    I’d say I haven’t met an ancap who wouldn’t be an idealist.

    Those using it as a cargo cult have, eh, by now literally moved on to just being cryptobros or alt-right or something else, and dropped the ancap parts.

    There have been a few short waves of popularity among people who then either became something more mundane or lost interest in politics.

  • It’s not even worth explaining because it’s so obvious that they do.

    Do you think tone makes for an argument?

    You’re honestly arguing that companies aren’t incentivised to do things like make profit? Or retain employees?

    Companies don’t think and thus don’t have incentives.

    You are brain-dead lmao

    Just go away. Another confirmation that identifying with something Star Trek connected usually marks an idiot.