• MrVilliam@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    “The world as we know it” has already ended as a result of climate change. Every year is record weather events. No matter what we do, the next 50 years will be devastating. We as a species will probably survive, but without some drastic actions right now, we are already doomed to struggle for a long while. It was never promised that the end of the world would come in an instant. We will slowly raise global temperatures, melt ice, raise seas, worsen storms, alter habitats beyond what their inhabitants can withstand. We’ll contaminate water and air. Ocean pH will plummet, killing a substantial amount of marine life. Plants will struggle to grow which will impact our food and our food’s food. Mass migration of most animals (including humans) will cause scarcity wherever they flee to. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see wars fought over drinkable water by 2050. We will see global economic collapse and desperate, opportunistic warfare. Human population will crest and fall; this is the beginning of the planet finally starting the healing process, but it will take probably 100 years or more to feel that because of such momentum.

    I’m not sure that “the world will end during my lifetime” but I’m sure that I’m not evil enough to bring a child into this world right now just for them to suffer and starve and fight a futile fight. Humans had a pretty okay run up until industrialization and capitalism started systematically rewarding the worst behaviors.

    It was wonderful. For a brief time, we generated a lot of value for the shareholders.