“The Margaliot settlement has decided to sever contact with the […] government and withdraw all soldiers from Margaliot. A notification has been sent to the termination officer. Additionally, we are closing the settlement’s operations center and gates. No one, including the military, will be allowed to enter or leave the settlement. The emergency squad will find another place to stay,” said Eitan Davidi, Chairman of Margaliot settlement.

“Margaliot does not need protection from Hezbollah but from the […] government, which is crushing the settlement with its decisions. Margaliot is directly harmed by the government […] decisions, causing more damage than Hezbollah’s anti-tank missiles,” he added.


Settler communities from the north announced earlier this month a plan to secede […] and establish an independent State of Galilee in protest of […] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lack of urgency in returning them to their homes.