Not sure if this is allowed here and I mean no disrespect to anyone’s views. However, I am curious how this transition was experienced by folks here.

In March 2020, it was quite taboo to ignore the guidelines in many places, and laws were strictly enforced. Now, the vast majority have essentially returned to “normal life”. Basically a complete 180 in right around 4 years.

Did you see this outcome coming?

Was there a tipping point?

Did your views evolve over time? Or diverge in specific ways?

As someone in the middle of the spectrum, the trajectory the pandemic took (in terms of how serious people took guidelines) seemed somewhat unsurprising and inevitable. Personally, I picked up a couple of good habits like being stringent with hand washing and never going into the office sick (regardless of illness).

Just interested in other peoples perspective on this if you care to share :)

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    10 months ago

    Before January 20, 2021: Doing less testing so we have less cases is a terrible idea and anyone suggesting that should be condemned

    After January 20, 2021: If we do less testing, we’ll have less cases. Covid is over, Jack

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    We have unironically gone full nurgle cult, and everyone I talk to sees nothing strange about suddenly knowing many people who have died young, or had strokes. I bring up covid, they say it’s just being blown out of proportion. Like motherfucker, a million people died in the US, BEFORE they stopped counting like a year ago. It feels like I’m going insane, but I know I haven’t. I’m watching millions of others go insane. I think for many of them, internalizing that we have been left to die so that line could go up would break them.

  • Ildsaye [they/them]
    10 months ago

    I remain a zero-covider. Everyone I know behaves as if aerosol physics will make special exceptions for them, and my words about endothilial damage, long covid odds, continued excess mortality, and numerous naked conflicts of interest in the world of bourgeois health systems affecting the available info and measures, just rolls out of people’s ears like water off a duck’s back.

    I lost my two principle social circles to the knowledge of their carelessness, and they had seemed exceptionally not-ableist, safe company for neurodiverse people like me. They fought for their right to party and they won. I’m sad about them, but their decisions are downstream of the decisions of the propertied classes, for whom I reserve my rage.

    But I also no longer bother to mind neurotypical manners anymore. Assimilation into the killzone has lost it’s appeal.